Chapter 8

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Carlos P.O.V

" -And therefore, we feel as if the British was unfair to the Congolese and should of had more of a punishment. Thank you." Everyone in my third period clapped, as I finished putting a grade on their rubric.

They gathered their things and headed back to their seats. I swear, that presentation was soooooo long! It was good and all, but it felt like they was talking forever! It was a good one I know that for sure. Just a lot of reading off the slide instead of telling me their knowledge.

The bell was gonna ring, so I stood up in front of the class, " Alright class, thank you for being respectful to those who were presenting. I will see y'all on Friday. There will be no homework, unless you have late work. Next Friday is the last day for me collecting any other late work. You can go when the bell rings." And right then and there, the bell rung.

When the last student left, I went to sit down at my desk and started putting grades into my gradebook. I see hella A's and B's in my class and I smiled. Yes there's a couple D's and F's but the other hunder A's and all make me smile. The principal always tell me I'm one of the best history teacher's. He never seen something like it. I always feel good about it. When ever we eat out for lunch or anything,he always tells me a lot of students wanna be transferred into my class. It makes me smiling know a lot of my students respect me and all.

It was lunch, so after I was done putting in grades, I left to go get some lunch. As I was about to turn the corner, I heard a fimiallri voice that sent shivers down my spine. Cece. I know that anywhere. He was whisper yelling at someone.

" YOU DIDN'T DO SHIT SAMMIE! I LEGIT DID EVERYTHING! I did the research, I did the slides, I did the poster, I wrote the essay. I. Did. EVERYTHING!" Cece was venting to Sammie.

Oh yes Sammie. She's in my 5th period as well. She's one of my student's with an F in the class. I told all my classes that if they did really good on this projected, i could boost their grade up hella. So for her, her grade would be a solid C.

I heard her huff," Well sorry. I was busy."

Yeah 'busy.' She's the slut in the school. Well so I've heard from my third period. They always saying how she cheated on all her boyfriends. I'm surprised she don't have one now. I mean she probably does but I really don't follow up on my students drama. Just anything I over hear or what they tell my directly

I heard her start to whisper to a point where I can hear, " Please Cece... I need to pass this class... I'll buy you food and all.. Please bestie? For lil o me?"

Oh my god, is she for real? This girl would do anything for anything. There's no way I'm passing her. No matter what Cece says. Fuck it! I'm holding her back. I got the principal on my side.

It took him some time to respond, before he finally answered, ".. Ok fine... But you don't need to buy me anything.." I heard him say, as they started walking off.

OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK!? That little bitch! Using Cece like that! And he didn't even take the offer! MY FUCKING MATE IS TOO NICE TO PEOPLE LIKE HER! No way in HELL was I giving her credit. Nope! I was pissed the whole way on getting my lunch. Why would Cece even be so nice.. Man... I have a good ass mate.. And I ruined it way before he even came of age... And...

He still hates me....

Cece's P.O.V. (going back some)

Third period ended and I exited my class. I spotted Sammie at her locker stomped over to her. I can fucking feel my blood boiling I was so pissed. Blowing my off to go have sex with him! The fucking nerve she has!

" Hey." I said, mad was written all over my voice and my body laungue. You would have to be a damn idiot not to notice.

She looked up and smiled, " Hey, what's good bestie!?" She asked all happy and all.

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