The Beginning

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This is where Cece and Carlos story starts! Clarification, the 5 people Cece brings to school have powers of their own, which is rare in a werewolf. Their purpose in this chapter is to protect Cece and teach Carlos and his gang a lesson for bulling Cece. Hope that helps in a way to make this less confusing!!!! This is just what chapter 20 is in book one.

Cece's P.O.V

We were walking to school as the others were talking amongst themselves all the way tell we got to my school.

" Ok Cece, point them out." Albert said.

I gulped, " W-well y-y-you see.. W-while I love y-you guys c-coming to help m-me and a-all... I-I k-kinda don't w-want t-t-to hurt th-them.." I looked down.

It was the truth... I didn't want to hurt them.. Even though they had hurted me.. I just... Can't to them... I... I don't know why..

Princess huffed, " Cece, it's like not cool what they did to you. Like, why wouldn't you want us to like hurt them?" Everyone nodded looking at me.

" Yeah dude, it's so not cool what they did to you." Jacob said.

" Especially when their bigger than you! Who picks on someone so cute and small? Like what the fuck!" William said.

Noah nodded, looking at me, " Don't worry Cece. We're doing it cause they fought back first. It's time for them to pay." Noah said, patting my back.

I shook my head, " But... Fighting fire with fire isn't gonna help... It'll just make the fire bigger.."

Albert shook his head, " They planted the fire, we're putting it out." Albert said, looking around us, like he's trying to find Carlos and them.

" Alberts right. We're only teaching them a lesson because they hurt you first." Princess said, hugging me tightly.

I hugged back and nodded. I don't like the idea of playing fire with fire.. Cause that part of me... Doesn't want to hurt them..


Princess, Albert, Noah, William, and Jacob were all around me, guarding me like it's life or death most of the day.. Sigh

~~~~Skips tell after school~~~~

We were walking home and I was happy! Can you believe it! Me being happy!

I was so happy cause I didn't get jumped today! (AN- For all my people that don't get the slang, 'jumped' is like saying he didn't get his ass beaten.) I felt like it was a dream come true.

I had Princess holding my right hand and Jacob was holding my left, as I was skipping. We took the alley way, and I heard Noah sigh.

" I can't believe we didn't get to kick ass today..." Noah said, kicking a rock.

" I KNOW RIGHT! I was so ready to beat faces into the ground." William said, making me shake.

All this violence they we're talking about made me wanna make all the wounds on the person they beat up, go away... I don't know why...

Tell I heard them..

" Hey! Look its mister, 'I'm worthless'." Billy said, making his whole gang laugh.

I guess happiness can't last forever... I heard all 5 of them growl at Carlos's gang.

" Stand behind us Cece." William said, as they all got in their fighting positions, " We got this."

I heard Brian laugh, " Look boss! Cece can't fight his own battles, so he brought his wimpy friends with him." All four boys laughed, as Jacob and them did not find it funny.

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