Chapter 13 - Kenma and Kuroo

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That pic though~ Kuroo is just plain hot~


"At the end, We didn't win any match." Lei thought disheartedly while he help disassemble the net but started grinning when he remembered his time playing in the court.

"But being targeted by your surprisingly fun!"

With a bounce on his step, Lei made his way to the storage room to put the folded net away but got stop on his track when he notice that Tanaka and the Mohawk guy fron Nekoma are talking to each other.

"Oh! Hey Ryuu-senpai! Can you help me put this net over there?" Lei ask while walking towards their direction.

"Y-Yeah!" Tanaka felt blissful that he's called by his Kohai for help. Getting the folded net from his hands, he immediately felt embarassed.

"Thank you!"

The blue-green eyed teen turn his attention towards the stiff as board Nekoma's spiker, greeting him energetically.

"Hello! I'm Laurize Lei, call me Lei nice to meet you!"

"O- ah - O-Osu! Ya-Yamamoto Ta-Take- Taketora-Desu!" The mohawk guy bowed deeply to embarassed to say anything else. Tanaka seeing the exchange between the two, let them be and decided to not show himself to not disturb them, although his a bit disappointed that his not there to receive that blessing but his 'now' friend's happiness is at stake here.

"Taketora then! You look really cool out there! You're really good at spiking and receiving! Especially your receives, how can you all do that!?"

"Th-Thank You! A-ahh..P-Pr-Practice!" Yamamoto barely stutter out a reply to embarassed and shock to even respond properly.

"Oh! Sorry to distured you, I'll go now! Bye! see you later!"

"Y-Yeah" Yamamoto said still on cloud nine with what just happen. "... I'm not dreaming, right?" Yamamoto got startled when a hand is suddenly place on his shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, my friend! You're able to talk to him! That's a nice achievement!" Tanaka laugh while patting his friend's shoulder repeatedly.

"Yeah.... OHHH!!! You're right! And he even called me by my name!! I'll not wash my ear for a month!" Yamamoto suddenly declared. A determined look plastered on his face. Tanaka albeit a bit disgusted with the sudden declaration can understand him. His also like that at first but as he became more mature, he can now go for one week of not washing the part that have been blessed. He still remember the time when Kiyoko finally let him help carry her bag and he accidentally touched her fingers. He really didn't wash his hands for atleast a month.


Lei look around the court, thinking on where he could help out until he spotted a certain pudding head setter, (as stated by their coach), picking out stray volleyballs.

"It's number 5! Kenma is it?" Decideding to introduce himself. Lei walk towards the direction of Nekoma's setter a bright smile plastered on his face, enhancing his already beautiful face.

"Hi! I'm Lei! You're Kenma right?" Lei watch the boy as he glance at him with his cat like eyes for a sec before turning his gaze downwards.

"..... Mmmm." Kenma humm as a reply. Only glancing at him briefly and immediately turning his gaze at the floor.

"??" Lei look at the boy confusedly. "Why are you looking at the floor? Is it interesting?" The boy look at where the pudding head teen is looking only to see a squiky clean volleyball floor.

I'm A Boy Though? [Haikyuu!! X OC! Fanfic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt