Chapter 23

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Lucy POV

As morning rose I had woken up to Nick in all his hot glory right next to me in the messy guest room. We were both pretty beaten from last night, but it felt great, sore but great. Nick had to go back at the Academy as I was forced to join Prudence to go with Sabrina to her school. I wasn't annoyed on hanging out more with Sabrina since I'll get to see her human life but having Prudence with us is going to be a long day for sure. I couldn't help but rub it on Prudence face on what went down with Nick and I.

"Hey guys, this is Lucy and Prudence. They're my cousins who are visiting for Thanksgiving. Ladies this is my boyfriend, Harvey and my two best friends, Rosalind and Susie" Sabrina introduced us. I can tell these are good people, them three have good auras. But I noticed something different, each have something buried within them.

"Hi nice to meet you all" I said with a small smile to her friends.

"Yes, very nice, you promised me boys" Prudence whispered the last part to Sabrina making me have the urge to roll my eyes.

"I wanted you to meet my friends first" Sabrina whispered back to her as she grabbed my hand and sat me down next to her on the couch as Bri was also next to her boyfriend. "So what are we talking about?"

"Uh, my ancestor Dorothea. She was an early settler in Greendale and was also a pirate who helped a group of women fleeing religious persecution from Scotland" Susie said causing me to look at her in surprise.

"Dorthea Putnam? We learned about her at my school, she was a true ally to those women" Prudence said with a small smile, interested where this is going.

"Yeah she was true a hero" I added on with a smile at her.

"So I'm discovering" Susie says with a small chuckle.

"Did you turn up anything, Harvey?" Rosalind says causing us to look at him.

"Yeah, but it's kind of messed up, basically the Kinkles got ownership of the mines in a land grab. Kicked some people out who lived in the hills and took them over" Harvey said with pursed lips, not really enjoying what he found out about his family ancestry. But I've heard about his ancestors, I looked over at Prudence who's look was cold as ice.

"What does that mean?" Sabrina asks her boyfriend in confusion.

"By kicked out, he means killed, and by took over he means stole. What did you say your family is?" Prudence says pointily and asks Sabrina's boyfriend.


"You're a descendant of the Von Kunkles. They um, you ancestors, killed 'witches' as some say" I said with a little nervous laugh as I used a bit of sarcasm when empashising witches.

"Which makes your family witch-"Sabrina quickly cut off Prudence.

"Oh come on, you don't actually believe witches are real" She said with a fake laugh and I played along as well.

"Your family committed atrocities, and blood-atonement is demanded" Prudence spat.

"Which she's kidding. Sorry Prudence has a thing for 'witches'. She's a big fan of Charming" I said with a fake laugh which Sabrina caught on and joined in as well.

"Wait, hang on-" I cut off Harvey before he would ask any questions.

"Um, I think you still need to show us around right Bri?" I say and Sabrina nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going to show them the rest of the school but we'll see you guys later!" Sabrina said as we pulled Prudence along. We moved towards the hallway and stood near a large window.

"Did you honestly think I would find meaning here? Amongst your mortal friends? They don't even know the glorious truth to what you are" Prudence taunted at Sabrina as students passed by. "And you beau is a witch hunter!"

"No he's not" Sabrina defended.

"I don't think he knows, even if he did or was I'm pretty sure he would of acted differently" I tell Prudence who rolled her eyes at me.

"My sisters and I have a simple philosophy when it comes to witch hunters: kill them before they have the chance to kill us" Prudence says in a threatening manner causing me to glare at her.

"Prudence, if you lay a finger on Harvey, I swear to Satan, I'll tear you to pieces" Sabrina said.

"And I'd gladly join" I said pointily giving a look at Prudence.

"Save it for feast day" Prudence says with a smirk.

"You're deluded" I tell her with a look of disbelief when suddenly we hear someone approach us.

"Girls. girls. Let's not be catty bitches, hmm? Hello Lucy, Sabrina aren't you gonna introduce me to your new gal pal?" Ms. Wardfell asks as she looks at us. I don't like the vibes that come of from Ms. Wardwell it's just brings a sour taste in me. We were then led to her office as Sabrina introduced Prudence to her and started to explain the situation. I leaned against the wall next to Prudence to hear intently. I was being more quiet than usual because of the Ms. Wardwell, I didn't trust her one bit, even the darkness in me found something dark buried within that woman.

"And I know it's witch tradition but can you please talk some sense into her, Ms. Wardwell" Sabrina asks the older women for help. "And tell her that there's absolutely no purpose to the feast? Not when the cost is precious life"

"But the reward is everlasting glory in the Dark Lord's heart. And who is this woman that we can discuss our ways with her?" Prudence asks, I agreed quietly as well. I know Ms. Wardwell helped with the exorcism but I just don't think I can trust that woman.

"We can trust Ms. Wardwell, she's a witch too. She was excommunicated from another coven" Sabrina explains as we look at Ms. Wardwell who shrugs.

"You expect me to take advice from an excommunicate " Prudence says pointily and I can't believe how this is one thing we are thinking the same on.

"Don't be a snob, Prudence. Ms. Wardwell is incredibly learned" Sabrina says in a reassuring tone. Ah Sabrina, you trust people too easily.

"And as promised, I have done some digging into the Feast of Feasts and it's a complicated matter. Now you may not want to listen to an excommunicate but there is someone perhaps you should meet" Ms. Wardwell says as she stood up from her seat and walked around the desk to slightly lean on it. "A witch who was once Queen of the Feast, until she rejected the crown, she lives deep in the Greendale woods. Moon Valley, if you're brave enough to find her"

"A witch spurned queenship? I don't believe it" Prudence says with a scoff and disbelief.

"Well since you strongly believe in what you stand, Prudence, what's the harm to hearing her story" I finally spoke earning eyes on me, including Ms. Wardwell.

"If I go, I want my sisters to come with us" Prudence says.

"The more, the merrier, and Satan knows who we might chance upon in the woods" Ms. Wardwell says.

"Well then to the bat mobile" I say with no sense of amusement as the four of us soon left the school.

"Well then to the bat mobile" I say with no sense of  amusement as the four of us soon left the school

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