Chapter 11 ✔️

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Lucy POV

"You know I'm glad that you're okay, that you're fine" Nick says  with pure relief

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"You know I'm glad that you're okay, that you're fine" Nick says  with pure relief.

Once he heard that everything was fine, he made a astro projection of himself to check up on me. He was being too...clingy? I don't know but he still kept on bombing me with questions mainly which were if I was fine.

"Yeah you've been telling me that for the 100th time, okay? I'm fine, really" I tell him in reassurance as I chuckled at him.

"O-Oh okay, good. I'm just gla-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips onto his before pulling away, not even giving him the chance to kiss back. I shot him a small smirk.

"Come on we got Choir in a few" I say with a mishcivious smile as I started walking ahead of him before looking back at him.

"Hey, wait that's not fair, you didn't even let me react to that kiss" He says with a small pout forming on his lips. Dammit why does he have to be so darn cute.

"Well you have a chance right now but you're too slow" I say a bit teasingly. There was this weird sensation in me, I'm never this confident nor am I such a...tease.

He walked towards me to place his large gentle hands on my cheeks. Before he could even do anything I felt someone in front of us.

"You two should be heading to class " My mother stood there will a warning tone but a hint of teasiness in it. Nick quickly moved away giving me my personal space.

"M-Ms. Klaine, I-uh, my apologizes. We'll be heading on our way" Nick said sheepishly making try my damn best not to break out a smile.

"Alright well, go along you two" She tells us.

"See you later, mom" I tell her as I grabbed Nick's hand and dragged him along with me, not wanting to look back. As we made our way to class I knew students were starting and talking about me. Mainly because of me going down the private chambers to talk to their Dark Lord.

When the other students began making their way into the class, I locked eyes with Prudence who gave me a nasty glare at me as I stood next to her since we were one of the good singers in the class. I didn't like being in the spot light at all, I just hate the talents that I have in me that draws others attention. Lady Blackwood soon began the class as we warmed up on some singing notes. Lady Blackwood would always send me secret hard glares at me, she really despises me.

"Always and always forever, as long as one is one, inside yourself for your father, all is none, all is none, all is one"

"Forgive the interruption, but we have an addition to your ranks. Sabrina Spellman, Father Blackwood's wife, Lady Blackwood" My mother introduced with a sweet smile. I noticed the grim look behind Lady Blackwood's fake smile as she eyed my mother and Father Blackwood.

"I've heard a lot about you, Sabrina. We've all heard a lot about you" Lady Blackwood says earning chuckles from the Weird Sisters. "Welcome"

"I'll leave Miss Spellman in your capable hands, then. Come on Ms. Klaine" Father Blackwood spoke softly as his eyes eyed the students and landed on mine giving me a curt nod and I mirrored one back.

I saw Lady Blackwood practically burn holes through my mothers back because Father Blackwood placed his hand on her back in a gentle manner as they left the room. Great now it's the adults turn to start acting like high schoolers.

"Now, Sabrina, can you sight read music? Just a verse or two so I know where to place you" Lady Blackwood tells her as she passes her the lyrics.

"It's time we put our love behind you, Illusion has been just a dream, the valley of death and I'll find you, now is when on a sunshine beam, so bring us young perfection, for there I shall surely be, no clothing, tears, or hunger, you can see, you can see, you can be" She sang beautifully. I couldn't help but grin at her.

"Prudence, I do believe you have some new competition other than Lucy" Lady Blackwood said with a bit of sass in her tone. Sabrina saw me and smiled at me as I gave her a curt nod.

Later on as class soon ended Nick and I caught up with Sabrina to the dining hall to give her a warm welcome which surprised Nick at my gesture. Before I had talked to Nick, I was very anti-social, until him. And now Sabrina and her family are in the picture, but just because I have a liking to them doesn't mean I'll immediately let my guard down for others.

"Hey, Bri, mind if we sit?" I say with a small smile as she nods at us. Nick and I sat next to her, placing our trays of food on the table.

"Hey, Lucy and yeah sure. And Bri? I like it" She says with a small chuckle, liking the nick name I gave her.

"Hi, I'm Nicholas Scratch, Nick Scratch, Lucy's boyfriend" He says with a smile to her. I bite my lip to contain my smile from growing more at what he said.

"Boyfriend? You didn't exactly tell me about this" Sabrina says with a teasing smile at me causing me to let out a small chuckle and shake my head.

"You're Edward Spellman's daughter, I've heard a lot about you" He tells her as Sabrina raises her brow at me. Some stuff I told him about the other stuff well gossip is always lurking around every corner. "I've been reading your fathers journals"

"You are? How do you have them?" The blonde witch asks him in curiously.

"I don't, not personally. They're in the Sanctum, the library for advanced students, under lock and key" Nick explains to her.

"Cassius the librarian, brings them out to you, one by one, but you can't even take notes while reading them" I add on, its true what I have said but I have some stuff written down that no one knows about.

"Why not?"

"They're considered dangerous texts. Your father was a controversial figure in the witch community but I personally think he was brilliant, ahead of his time. The greatest conjurer the Church of Night has ever produced" Nick rambles on making me smile at him fan boying over a legend who's Sabrina's father.

"Whoa, calm down fan boy" I say a bit teasingly with a small smile.

"So what classes do you have with Lucy?" She asks.

"Well we have all classes together including necromancy but that's a hush-hush" Nick says with a grin plastered on his lips.

Heads up Lucy, the three rats are now here.

Heads up Lucy, the three rats are now here

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Word Count: 1190

Sorry for the wait! But here you guys go, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to vote or comment! Thank You! Stay tuned for more...

Vacant Soul| Nicholas ScratchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora