Up and out

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Over the spring break you and your mother had picked up and moved when she got a huge job opportunity all the way in Tokyo. You loved your old home and you loved going to Karasuno high, but you had no other choice. On your last day you said goodbye to your volleyball friends and even cried with a few of them over the news. When you had told Hinata, his eyes lit up.

"Wait, really?!" he said excitedly

You nodded, a bit confused.

"What school are you gonna go to?!" He inquired, his energy never staggering one bit.

"Uh... Nekom-" he cut you off

"Nekoma?!" he smiled his usual bright smile "We actually know a bunch of people that go there!"

"Volleyball?" You asked, guessing that's how they'd met and he nodded, still energetic.

"Yup! They have a bunch of REALLY good players. There's one guy who.."He rambled on and on about the members of the team. At this point, you had learned how to tune out his rambling, but you decided to tune back in." and then they have this really cool setter named Kenma and he has pudding hair and doesn't talk much, but he's really nice and one of my close friends! D'you get all that?" He had finally finished and you nodded, taking a mental note of what he had said last


-Time Skip-

You woke up the morning on your first day at your new school and stumbled through your room of unpacked boxes and partially unpacked ones. You lazily found your way through it all and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Once you were in, you let the water run down your body for a second to try and calm down. After your shower, you put on your uniform and styled our hair to satisfaction just as you heard your mother call you.

"[Y/N], Breakfast is ready!"

You grabbed your bag and ran downstairs "Pancakes?" you asked happily

"Of course" Your mother said as she placed your plate on the table "Only the best for your first day!" She sat down and began to eat her own food and you joined her.

"So, are you nervous about your first day?" she asked curiously.

You sighed as you swallowed a mouthful of pancakes, bacon, and eggs "Definitely. What if I don't fit in, what if I can't make any friends, what if-" Your mom placed her hand over yours.

"Stop worrying about the what-ifs Beanie." Beanie... not like the hat, but like a Beanie Boo toy. She called you that for two reasons, your obsession over them when you were younger and because you had large eyes like one.

You took a deep breath "You're right."

"So what are you gonna do about volleyball?" She asked and you shrugged in response

"I might become the boy's team's manager, but I don't really know. Hinata said that their team is really good though" You said with a bored unsure undertone in your voice.

"I think you should! It'd be good for you." Your mom said supportively even though she didn't like it when you hung out with that many boys at once.

You finished your food and nodded, standing up and grabbing your bag. "I'll see what I can do." You smiled and started to head for the door.

"Have a good day [Y/N]!" She called out as you left.

"You too!" You responded as you closed the door.

Hello all! This is my very first fanfiction, so I'm sorry if it sucks and sorry this part is short. I really hope that you all enjoy this as it progresses. I have pretty big plans for this story so be prepared for the worst! ;) I'm going to try and update the story since I have nothing better to do with my life. Whoopee!



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