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M! Sonic: When I get my hands on you!!!

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M! Sonic: When I get my hands on you!!!

B! Sonic: *snickers* Good luck with that~🎶

*watching the Sonic Movie for like the 10(000)th time, out of boredom* Chapter 200 is coming soon. Got any plans?

Maurice: You could always propo-

*blushes* As much as that is tempting, I dunno if she'll want to. So I'll probably just keep that on the side. Any other plans?

Maurice: Scared~ *laughs*

Sonikku: I dunno. How bout we create an Instagram Book 2 and begin the dare system as well?

Hmm. . . I love it. We have found our idea

Sonikku: Wait really? I was actually just talking there *giggles*

Well, your talking worked *chuckles*

M! Sonic: Here's a bonus! Help me up!! *frowns*

B! Sonic: *laughs*

Maurice: *chuckles*

Metal: *sighs and helps him up, cutting the tape* There

M! Sonic: *chases B! Sonic round the house* Get back here!

B! Sonic: *laughing while running*

Zonic: *from his room* Keep it down! I'm trying to work!!

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