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So bored... What's the deal with this stay at home thing...? Not like I can get infected by the virus. Tails says that I can but I totally disagree.  Not when I can run it off. It can't survive heat so of course it can't handle me. Ugh... Now I can't EASILY visit anyone. (I added emphasis to easily cuz I still do sneak out 😏) Well, since I'm indoors more often, I might as well work and that story that has been getting more views by the day. *chuckles* I'll try to be on more here. So don't worry.

Classic: And me!

Sonikku: Me too!

Boom! Sonic: Don't forget me!

Human! Sonic: Heh. I got trapped here during this lockdown So I guess I'll be here too 

Zonic: *sighs* And me...

Yep! That's right. All Sonics are here! Just in time. Now it's a bit crowded though. But that's okay *grins*

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