unconditionally (AR+CD)

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I was curled up next to my wife filling out some paper work for a patient while she reads quietly to herself.

Carina DeLuca and I have been married for
17 years. Because we work at the same hospital, we decided to keep our names. During those 17 years we've definitely been through hell and back.

Her brother, Andrew DeLuca has been sent
to a psych ward twice in the past 2 years. I can tell how much that has effected her because of how much he resembles their dad.

Right before we got married I was battling a nasty custody war with my ex-wife over our daughter. Callie wanted sole custody at first but then physical custody and then we ended up with joint custody. Sofia stays with Carina, Tim, and I for half of the year and Callie for the other half.

During our second year of marriage, Carina and I decided to have a baby. I gave birth to a healthy Timothy Andrew DeLuca Robbins 9 months later.

He's now 15 and in his first year of high school. He's truly growing up way too fast.

"Are you almost done?" Carina asks while running her hand up and down my arm affectionately.

We've known each other for 18 years and I know exactly what she wants when she does this.

"In a second my love." As much as I love making love with my wife, I have to get some of this work done before I go to work.

I was lucky enough to have a Saturday where Carina and I are both off.

She then pulls my hair to one day and starts kissing down my neck and I was biting my lip hard to fight back a moan.

What we didn't realize was that Tim had walked into the room. He cleared his throat loudly and the both of us jumped.


"Yes sweetie?" I ask.

He sits down on the chair across from us and plays with his hands. "I have something I need to tell you guys." He looks extremely nervous.

Carina and I both exchange a look and then we face him. Surely we can handle anything, I mean, what's the worst he could say? He's only in high school.

"You have our undivided attention." Carina says before grabbing my hand.

"Ok...umm...before you say anything bad just know I didn't expect things to be like this I just-" He pauses in the middle of his sentence and I can feel Carina tighten her grip on my hand.

If it's anything bad she would be the one to blow up on him before I even get the chance to speak, it's her "Italian temper".

"Ever since last baseball season, I've had these feelings, feelings that I thought were wrong and unusual." He stops again.

Was this what I thought it was? There were only boys on his baseball team...

"Timothy, do you think you're gay?" I ask.

He looks at the both of us, nods, and then the tears start to fall. Carina and I get up and hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry Moms."

"For what sweetheart?" Carina rubs his back in comfort.

"Because I didn't tell you sooner, all of it is no new to me and I didn't know who to tell."

My heart was breaking by the second. How could my baby feel that way?

"Well Tim, if you haven't noticed, I'm a lesbian and your Mama is bisexual so we're apart of the community you know, we are always here for you."

Another wave of silence fill the room and the only sound was Tim's hitched breathing and sniffles.

"How did you guys realize it, that you liked women?"

"Well our experiences may be different but my Mom was never really present in my life, it was just my Papa and Andrea, so as I got older, I grew attached to women to try to make up for the mother figure I lost, a lot of people just described it at mommy issues, then I met your Mom and I knew that I liked women." Carina let's out. She never talked about her Mom much, maybe that's why.

"I had posters of women on my wall growing up and whenever I would play sports I would always find myself looking at them and then one day I got into a relationship with a girl and everything fell into place". I say.

Tim took a moment to comprehend everything we just told him.

It's no surprise that Tim is feelings like this, he's experiencing the same thing as Carina in a way. The closest Tim has to a father figure is Andrew and he's not around much.

"There's this boy, his name is Dallas, he's really smart and he's kinda a nerd but he has the prettiest green eyes ever, even though he wears glasses". He had the biggest smile on his face while he said that.

That alone brought a tear to my eye. My baby is happy.

"How'd you meet him?" Carina asks.

"We're in the same science, spanish, and PE class. I can't help but stare at him when we're changing in the locker rooms."

Carina and I both smiled at him and hugged him again.

"We love you unconditionally Timothy." Carina kisses his forehead.

"You may think it's a phase but it's not, love is love and love can never just be a phase." I say before letting him go.

Carina and I both sat there thinking about everything that just happened.

Our son came out to us. Our gay son has 2 moms, how ironic can that get?

"How come you never talk about your mom?"

"There's nothing to talk about, she left when I was young." She shrugs.

"I'm really sorry Carina." I give her a sympathetic smile.

"It's alright mi amore, I have more than I could ever ask for now." She gives me a quick kiss that I turned into something more, she's finishing what she started before this.

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