mama (MG+AM)

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9 am

I woke up a good 15 minutes before Mer wakes up and I didn't want to wake her up since we were entangled in each other's arms.

We've been dating for almost 11 months and Mer just asked me to move in with her 2 months ago.

Honestly whenever she has a question I thought she was gonna ask me to marry her. Even though I'm pretty scared of marriage.

I felt her shifting in her sleep and then opening those bright and gorgeous eyes.

"Morning sunshine." I say smiling.

"Good morning love, how long have you been up?"

"Not long, I didn't want to get up and wake you so I stayed in bed." I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Her hair was still messy from last night.

The both of us got up and started off our day.

I went to brush my teeth and wash my face while Mer checked on the kids.

I can't even lie, even though Zola is a huge help, having 3 kids never gets easier.

However, Zola, Ellis, and Bailey are absolute joys to be around. There's never a dull moment in the house.

I walked into the kitchen to find Maggie already in here making coffee.

"Have fun last night?" She says with a slight smirk.

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Come on Addison, I had to make sure Zola was still asleep every 10 minutes so she wouldn't hear the two of you."

"All the kids sleep like babies." I say before taking a sip of the warm coffee.

"Maybe because one of them is." Maggie says matter-of-factly.

We spent the rest of the morning talking about making breakfast for everyone.

Maggie and I had the day off while Mer had to work.

I always love the days I get to spend alone with the kids no matter how much I love my girlfriend.

Zola came down first with an empty baby bottle in her hand.

"Morning Auntie Maggie." She says giving her a hug. "Morning Mama." She says before hugging me.

Before I could think about what to say I felt tears in my eyes. "Good morning sweetheart." I choked up and hope she didn't notice.

She just continued to rinse the bottle in the sink.

I turned to Maggie who had the biggest smile on her face.

Zola was the first kid to know we were dating and although we told Ellis and Bailey they don't even know what it means to in a relationship.

As expected, Zola had questions but there was one that stuck out above most.

"Will you love Mommy like Daddy did?"

That was the last thing I expected her to ask me. I just had to tell her that her Daddy still loves her and I will try my absolute best to be the best for them.

Meredith came downstairs with a crying Ellis in her arms.

"You eat honey, you have a long day." I say taking Ellis from her and rocking her gently.

"Thank you so much." She pecks my lips ever so softly and begins to eat her food as fast as she could.

I glanced over at the clock and saw that she needed to be in the hospital in 5 minutes or she was late.

2 pm

Ellis finished eating and is taking a nap while Maggie watches her so I decided to make some popcorn so Zola and I can watch a movie.

I'm too afraid to give Bailey any so I made him a bowl on cheerios.

"Hey Zola, do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure, which one?"

"You can pick sweetheart, I can get the popcorn ready of you pick out a movie." I say while getting some bowls out.

I came back with Bailey on my hip and two bowls in the other.

Zola turned around and jumped off the couch to help me.

"You were about to drop the food Mama." She says laughing at my silliness.

"Thank you for that honey, I definitely would've dropped it. What move are we watching?" I ask before sitting down on the couch.


Even with Bailey and Zola snuggled to each side of me and a movie in front of me, there was only one thing I could think about.


Zola has called me Mama twice today. Not that I'm complaining but it just feels so natural. I truly love being around Zola and all of her kids.

I didn't even get the chance to tell Mer yet. How would she even take it? Surely she would be happy about it.

Before I even knew it, Bailey had fallen asleep on me, and Zola was turning it to Madagascar 2.

7 pm

I slowly got up from the 2 of them and got a glass of water.

I heard someone outside with keys and a few seconds later, my beautiful girlfriend was coming through the door.

"Honey I'm home!" She says with a tired smile.

"Hey beautiful, how was work?" I say immediately wrapping my arms around her.

"Tiring, how was being a stay at home mom for a day?"

"Zola called me Mama today." I say low and making sure she was still asleep.

"Really?" Meredith turns around to face me and I can see faint tears in her eyes too.

"Yes, it started this morning and then she said it again today and it just warms my heart every time." I say smiling back to the memory.

"I love you Addison."

"I love you too Meredith." I wrap my arms around her tighter and kiss her forehead.

This was where I belong. This is home.

don't know why but i've fallen in love with writing about Meredith and Addison, at first I thought it was kinda weird with Derek but then I realized you can do anything you want with writing so now I adore them in fictional writing and them in early Greys

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