
I plastered a smile, "Look honestly Draco, that was the worse joke someone has ever said."

His smile faded and he narrowed his icy blue eyes, "No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood."

Like I didn't see that coming.

"Yes! Nice, Draco!" Crabbe exclaimed, laughing his head off alongside Goyle.

"Of course. The classic." I chuckled, "The only comeback you will ever have."

Pansy glared, "Oh shut up, you Muggle! You're nothing special!"

"I never said I was."

"Oh okay, see how it is. You may better watch your back loser."

"I'll be sure too." I smiled.

"Ugh, what a pathetic bi--"

"I think that's uh- enough, Pansy." I hear Draco's voice say quietly.

"You're nothing better Draco." I answered, Draco opened his mouth to reply but before he did I headed towards the last compartment; which had Harry,Ron and Hermione.

"Hi guys." I said, putting my trunk on the overhead luggage racks.

"Where were you, Y/N?" Hermione asked looking up from the newspaper she was reading.

Ron was sitting beside her, slouching while reading something of his. Harry doing the same but on the other side.

"Oh uh- just met some unpleasant people on the way, who wasted my time." I chuckled, plotting myself down next to Harry and was greeted by Hedwig hooting.

"Hey girl. I've missed you." I whispered, patting her.

Hermione put her newspaper on her lap, "Was it Draco?"

"Sure is." Ron replied, "I mean there's no one really unpleasant except for Draco Malfoy."

Harry and I chuckled, Hermione formed a small grin then went back to her reading.

"Man, I'm really craving something sweet right now." Ron sighed, patting his tummy.

"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the trolley?" called a voice heading our way.

"Perfect timing, Ron." Harry exclaimed, getting up to see what there is.

I followed both of them out, the trolley was filled with delicious looking candy and sweets.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" asked the trolley lady.

"Uh-Packet of Droobles and A Liquorice Wand." Ron answered, pulling out his galleons from his pocket. I looked at him and he didn't have enough. "On second thought, just the Drewbals please."

The lady handed him his Droobles in exchange for galleons.  "Anything for you, dear?" She looked at me, "Oh-uh I'm fine--"

I was interrupted, "Two Pumpkin Pasties please." I took a glance and it was a girl, she was very pretty with smooth but thick looking black hair. She smiled my way but wasn't making eye contact with me. I looked back and realised Harry was looking at her too.

I smiled, "I'm going to sit back down." I made my way back and a few moments later Harry sat down and the Trolley Lady had left.

"So who was that, Harry?" I smirked, trying to figure out if Harry literally fell for her.

Harry looked at him with a confused face, "What do you mean? She's just Cho..." He replied, with a slight shade of red forming around his cheeks.

I raised my eyebrows but shrugged it off so I don't embarrass Harry anymore.

Hermione put down the newspaper and huffed, "This is horrible, how can the ministry not know who conjured it. Isn't there any security or?"

"Loads according to Dad, that's what worried them so much. Happened right under noses." Ron shrugged, popping a Drooble into his mouth.

Harry was rubbing his scar, hoping that no one will notice but of course we did. "It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar?" Hermione asked, worried.

"I'm fine." he replied. We gave him pitiful faces, "You know... Sirius will want to hear about this. What you saw at the world cup and the dream." Hermione suggested.

"Y-yeah maybe." Harry responded, looking down at this parchment paper on his lap.


ahh! I can't believe y/n is finally going back to Hogwarts! I hope you all enjoy her 4th year journey!!

much love,


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