Chapter 46

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Justin hasnt called me at all yesterday. I've been trying to reach him but no answer.

Mom:"YN are you okay? You seem stressed out"

YN:"I'm okay, dont worry" , I smiled at her.

Mom:"Okay" , and she left to the kitchen.

I went to my room and got ready for dinner since my family is comming over to celebrate my grandma's birthday.

Once I got ready my whole family was here. I said hi to everyone and then Mia came over to me when I was in the kitchen getting a drink.

Mia:"Did you talk to Justin?"

I shook my head.

YN:"He hasnt called or answered my texts"

Just when Mia was about to talk, the doorbell rang.

Mom:"I'LL GET IT!" , she screaming from the livingroom.

Then I heard everyone say 'Hi Justin', & 'Justin!"

I turned to Mia with a confused look. We walked to the front door and there was everyone greeting Justin.

Wait Justin is here!

A smile form on my face when he smiled at me. I immediately ran to his arms to hug him.



I giggled and kissed him.

I kepted my arms wrapped around his neck, while he had his arms wrapped around my waist.

YN:"I missed you"

Justin:"Me too"

We kissed one more time.

YN:"How about we go upstairs to leave your things?"

Justin:"Yeah, now will you excuse us" , he turned to my family.

They just nodded their heads and went back to doing what they were doing before.

Justin and I walked upstairs to my bedroom with his suit cases.

I opened the door and Justin placed his things on the side of the room.

I went to hug him again.

YN:"I cant believe you're here"

Justin:"Well believe it" , he laughed.

YN:"Are you hungry?" , I said as I pulled away.

He nodded his head and we went downstairs to the kitchen. There was Mia eating a cupcake.

Justin:"Hi Mia"

She only waved to him because she was too busy eating her cupcake. Mia loves cupcakes.

I served myself and Justin some food and we sat on the table to eat.

As the time pass Justin was having a great time with my family. But I still felt kind of distant from him.

When I would talk to one of my boy cousin's, I could feel Justin watching me while he talked with my uncle.

Then I got a text from Jake saying that he was coming over. I was nervous because I dont want to cause problems to my family.

I just walked to where Justin was. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He hugged me sideways from the waist.

Justin continued to talk to my uncle. They laughing about a joke. When my uncle left, Justin turned to me.

Justin's POV

I came down to Texas to visit YN, because I missed her so much and to check up on her. I want to know if she's telling the truth, that she's not cheating on me.

As the night passes YN has been good. I dont even know why I was over reacting about a stupid lie April made up about YN.

I think I need to start trusting her, becuase if I dont I will lose something so wonderful as her.

Justin:"I love you"

YN:"I love you more"

We kissed and smiled at each other.

Then I heard Ms.YLN call YN.

Ms.YLN:"YN Jake is here!"

When Jake entered the family room, YN went to hug him and say hello.

I started to feel my blood boil up.


Here's my gift to you. Hope you like it.

QOTD:"What did you get for Christmas? "

AOTD: I got clothes, shoes, makeup brushes and Justin's Girlfriend perfume! :)

Undefeated Challenge.     * Book 2*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz