Chapter 29

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Shout out to

Thank you for offering me your help to my problem I had yesterday :) ♡


I waiting for Austin to pick me up. I have a hangover from last night, so I took some pills.

I wore my sunglasses. Then the door rang. It was Austin.


Austin:"Hey, ready to go to the mall?"

YN:"Yeah, let me get my purse"

I got my purse and phone and we got into Austin's car and drove to the mall.

Once we got there we were sworn by Paparrazzi. We ran inside, but then fans found out who we were.

Security had to come. We took pictures and signed autographs for the fans.

Once it got calm, we went shopping.

We went to our favorite stores, and as we were walking to the foodcourt, I saw Justin and Yovanna.

Justin then turned to me and I immediately looked away, acting as I didn't see him and continued to talk to Austin.

Justin's POV

I saw YN but she didn't see me. She was all smiles talking to Austin.

I still don't understand why she's hanging out with Austin?

I saw them sit down at a table in a private area they have here for celebrities.

I walked up to where they are.

Justin:"YN how can you be hanging out with him?"

I said pointing at Austin.


All of a sudden Justin came to us angry.

YN:"Um excuse me!? You have no right to tell me who I want to hang out with?"

Justin:"But he has caused you so much pain!"

Austin:"Look man I've changed"

He got up from his chair.

Justin:"Change my ass!"

He said getting into Austin's face.

I got up and separated them.

YN:"Justin you caused me so much pain too, so your just as bad as he is!"

Justin's face soften.


YN:"You wanted me out of your life and that's what you're getting,  lets go Austin"

We then left back to my house.

YN:"I'm sorry Austin"

Austin:"Its okay and I'm sorry for causing you so much pain"

I nodded my head. I got out of his car and went inside.

Ugh why did Justin have to ruined my day. First me wants me out of his life and now he's mad at me for hanging out with Austin.

I think going to the club will make me feel better. Drinking makes my problems go away.


Hope you like it.


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