Chapter 43

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Justin left last night to finish doing his promo tour for 'Under The Mistletoe' . Im a little sad we wont be spending Christmas together, but I have to get used since our schedules will just get busier than ever.

I'm packing to spend Christmas with my family back in Texas. I havent seen them in a long while and I miss them so much.

I dont think I'm going to tell my family about my pregnancy yet, I want to tell them later.

I got my things and left to the airport. I decided to get on twitter.



And the plane took off.


Justin's POV

Today I have an interview abd performance at the Today Show. Im here to promote my new Christmas album.

Im in my dressing room, getting ready with Usher. He's my surprise for the Beliebers.

Usher:"You excited man?"

Justin:"Yeah, I love performing for my Beliebers"

Usher:"So where you spending Christmas? "

Justin:"I will still be on tour, so I guess in whatever city we are with the crew"

Usher:"What about YN? Will she be flying out to with you?"

Justin:"No, she'll be with her family in Texas, since she hasn't since them in a while"


Justin:"Yeah, but I'm going to surprise her by flying her out to New York on New Years Eve. I'm performing that night & it's would be a dream come true to celebrate New Years in NYC."

Usher:"Thats my boy!"

I just laughed.

Then there was a knock on my door.

Lady:"Mr.Bieber we are ready for you "

Justin:"Okay, Thank you"

Its time to perform for my beautiful Beliebers.



Im finally landed in Texas. When I got off the plane my mom was already waiting for me. I ran to hug her.

YN:"I missed you so much!"

Mom:"I missed you too."

We drove to my mom's house and I was surprised by my whole family.

I was so happy and hugged everyone. After saying hi to everyone I decided to take my things up to my room. I took a shower and changed into jeans and a t-shirt.

I then went downstairs to where my family was. We were just catching up and having a good time. Im hispanic, so I have a big family and when we get together, its like a party.

Grandma:"YN and Mia can you guys go buy some more drinks and chips at the store?"

Mia:"Sure grandma, come on cousin lets go"

YN:"Okay but Im driving" , I got my mom's car keys.

We walked out and started driving to the store.

YN:"So, how my little prima (cousin) been?"

Mia:"Hey, Im not little, I'm 15 and I've been good and how's your life pop star?"

I chuckled.

YN:"Pop star? Haha I've been good, life has crazy but okay"

Mia:"Where's my sexy favorite cousin-in-law?" She smirked.

YN:"He's so sexy and on tour" I smirked back.

Then there was a long silence. We looked at eachother and bursted into laughter.

We arrived at the store and got the chips and sodas.

As we were paying, I heard my name being called.


I turned to find how was calling me and it was Kathy, she was one of the girls who bullied me back in school.

YN:"Hi Kathy...? "

Kathy:"Hi YN how you been?, long time no seen"

I turned to Mia and back to Kathy.

YN:"I've been good and you?"

I got my grocery bags and turned to Kathy. I really dont want to talk to her, but I'm not going to be rude.

Kathy:"Good, just living life. I see your life is amazing right now, having a career and dating Bieber. Girl you definitely win at life" she laughed.

I fake smile at her.

YN:"Thank you and look I'm sorry but I have to go, see you around"

Kathy:"Yeah, here's my number, we should hang out some time"

I said good bye and left. We got in the car.

YN:"You see, my life isn't all that good. Fake people pretend to be your friend for their on benefit. You have watch out who you let into your life and if their intentions are good."

Mia:"She seemed fake, b*tch!"

YN:"MIA! Language" , I laughed.

Mia:"Sorry, I just hate when people are fake"

YN:"Don't worry about it that's life, you'll get used to it"

We drove back to my mom's house.

Hope you guys liked it.


Love you guys ♥

Undefeated Challenge.     * Book 2*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt