Chapter 14

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I pulled back from Beverlys embrace.

"What the fuck Beverly?!?" I say as I run after Lullah.

When I reach her, I extend my arm out to touch her shoulder but she turns around to face me, before I can touch her.

There are tears streaming down her face and fury in her eyes, and you might think Im just a stupid male for saying this but she looked so god damn sexy standing like that in the moonlight.

"Lullah let me explain.". I begin, but she cuts me off.

"No, let me explain Cain," she spits the words out like there poison. "you know I really thought you were different then what evryone else thinks you are. I really wanted to beileve that you were just a little broken, and that you could be fixed. And maybe this sounds stupid but I- I wanted to be the one to fix you." But no, your just what everyone thinks you are, a deadbeat loser."

Ok, that made me mad.

"Thats not far and you damn well know it. I'm not some toy for you to mess around with and try to fix."

She gasped.

"Well I'm sorry that I thought you actually cared about me, and I thought that when we kissed, it meant something, but hey, OBVIOUSLY NOT. So you can have fun with Beverly, you two deserve each other."

She turned back around and kept walking.

I sat down on the curb and rubbed my hands through my hair.

Iheard the click clack of hugh heels begind me.

"Cain, I'm soooooooooo sorry about what happened with you and your friend, I had no idea. I understand now that she was just a little jealous bitch , and you didnt want to rile her up. ... that is what happened right?

Bevely said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Whatever Beverly." I sighed.

She smiled.

"Good! Well then, I have surprise for you, you naughty boy!

She smiled again and attempted a sexy wink.

She extended a hand and pulled me too my feet. I turned back one last time, in the direction Lullah went, and decided screw her, I was gettin wasted with Beverly tonight!

* * *

That night, I got drunk and had sex with Beverly.

I was 15, and it was the absolute worst mistake of my life cause I only did it to distract myself from Lullahs face as she walked away.

The next morning, I stumbled back home in last nights clothes.

"Ughhhh." I muttered, I had a killer hangover.

When I reached the house, I found my dad pacing the porch surrounded by police officers.

When he noticed me, he leaped off the porch and grabbed me by the front of the shirt.

"Where on gods green earth have you been boy?!??"

""What?" I muttered.

"Your so fuckin stupid! I could be arrested for child abuse!"

I audibly laughed.

"Child abuse? Why?"

Now it was his turn to laugh.

"Because, my dear son, these lovely police officers found your little sister sitting alone in the pouring rain, in front of rhe goddamn bar!"

Omigod. SHIT. LILLY!!!!!
How could I have forgotten Lily!

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