Chapter 21

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The next day, me and Dibdobs drove to pick up Wren from the airport.

I can't lie, I was really excited to meet this Wren girl.

Dibdobs had been talking non-stop about her ever since our conversation yesterday.

You couldn't go downstairs without hearing about how great a dancer Wren was, or all the trophies she's won, or the time Marc Jacobs himself asked her to model for his show. On and on and on.

The airport was really cold, and I wanted to stay in the car, but Dibdobs made me get out.

I was dressed in skinny jeans, converse, and my Dother Hall tee. I had tried to put up my long black hair, but after the murder of 3 hair ties, I conceded to let it float down my back. I threw on a little eyeliner and mascara too, just for kicks.

I was about to meet a real model, after all.

We were supposed to meet Wren at Starbucks inside the airport waiting area.

We were a few minutes late, but we were still there before Wren.

Me and Dibdobs both ordered Chai lattes and sat down.

I was examining my mispelled name on my cup when I heard Dibdobs squeal.

"Eeeh!!!! She's here!!!"

My head shot up, searching for the girl.

When I saw her, I literally gasped out loud.

She had the prettiest hair I had ever seen. It was red, and blonde, and brown, and it didn't look natural, but there was no way it could be dyed. It was gorgeous and long.
Her eyes, from what I could tell where blue-green, the color of sea-glass. Her eyebrows where shaped perfectly, her face had not even a hint of acne, and her lips looked like snow-white lips, beautiful and full.

And that was just her face.

She wore skinny jeans and doc martens, with a vintage tee of a band I didn't recognize. This in itself was just a slightly amazing oufit, but what pulled it all together was a cute bolero jacket and necklace, paired with matching nail polish, and about a jillion bracelets and rings.

She had perfect boobs, not that I was staring and she was slim and curvy, with great legs and killer hips.

The male batista seemed to think so too, since he was so blatantly staring at her.

I felt the claws of jealousy reach around my heart as she approached our table.

"Dibs! Darling, it's been so long!"
Wren exclaimed, kissing her on both cheeks, like a princess.

When she did it, it looked coy and sexy, when me and Vaisey had greeted each other like that for a week, people called us wannabes and lesbians.

Stupid Wren, and her stupid voice that sounded like music.

"Wren! You're all grown up! You are so gorgeous honey! Like a movie star! Doesn't she look like a movie star Lullah?"

"Hi." I said, extending my hand. "I'm Lullah."

"So nice to meet you, Lullah." She left my hand hanging, and me looking like an idiot.

"Well, should we get going?" Dibdobs asked, still obviously in awe of Wrens beauty.

"Sure!" Wren chirped.

"Lullah, get her bags would you?"

As I picked up her bags, and followed Dibdobs back to the car, I could only think of one thing. Cain can't ever meet her.

Tallulah/Cain Fanfic (The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя