Chapter 20

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Hi, how are you doing? Heard you were in the hospital. Sorry I can't come visit you, there's just some stuff going on. It's Cain by the way, in case you weren't sure. Hopefully Beverly delivered this too you ok. Sorry I'm really not good at writing letters. Let me get to the point. I really really like you. And it sounds so stupid to say cause I'm really not like that at all but whenever I'm around you I get this weird feeling like everything is great and you make me feel like I'm a good person even though I'm not and I just love you, you clumsy idiot. Choose me Lullah pick me, I'm the one. I know I'm not perfect but you make me want to be. Come to The Jones' gig tomorow night, and we'll talk.
Feel better love,

Lullah read and reread the letter.
She read it twice laying down in her hospital bed, once while Dibdobs signed her out, and 7 times sitting on her windowsill at home.

She pondered it over and over, memorizing every word, everything that had been crossed out, every smudge, every eraser mark.

Her favorite part was the farewell.

Feel better love.

She shivered.

There was a knock at her door, probably just Dibdobs bringing her more soup, and making sure she was ok.

"Come in." She called.

The door opened.

"Hi honey, how are you feeling? " Dibdobs concerned face entered the room.

"Pretty good."

"Do you need more soup?" She asked.

"No thanks."

"OK honey, well I have to be honest, I didn't come in here just to ask about soup." She smiled.

"Um what did you come in here for then?"

Dibdobs looked uneasy.

"Dibdobs, what's going on?!" Ok, I was officially scared.

"Nothing bad sweetie it's just that, well, I have this friend from college she's a great girl, a single mom, and she has this really killer job as an art dealer. But, she has to go to Japan for two months on work, and she doesn't have enough money to leave her daughter with a nanny, so I was wondering if it would be Ok with you, if her daughter came to stay with us?"

I sighed.

"Of course, Dibdobs, wow you really scared me."

"Great! I just knew you would say yes. That's why I already told her it would be ok, and her daughter is flying in tomorow."
I laughed, classic Dibdobs.

"So tell me about her daughter. "

"Wow I'm so glad you asked that, you guys are gonna be bffs! Her name is Wren Fletcher. Shes your age and just a really sweet girl. I was also gonna ask you if it was ok if she slept in your room for the first week or so, just while we clean out the spare bedroom."

"Um, sure." I said.

"Thanks sweetie. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." She hugged me and left.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, let's hope that this new girl isn't a threat to cain....

Tallulah/Cain Fanfic (The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ