Chapter 23

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Hey guys! as you can tell I often forget to update this book, and I feel bad about it. my kik is abbers.a so feel totally free to kik me and remind me, also I would just love to talk to you guys. :)

When we arrived, the gig was packed.
Cain dropped us off at the front, and headed back stage to get ready with the band.
The guy manning the door to the small venue was ogling Wren so hard I thought his eyes would pop out of his head. She waved at him and did a little wink. He physically collapsed to the floor.

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, I want you too meet my friends."

I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside.

I had already sent a mass text to my friends warning them about Wren, so hopefully they were prepared.

Texting was how I kept in contact with a lot of my friends these days, we were on break and I didn't see them as much as I would like too.

"Loopy Lullah!!!!!" I heard Vaisey screech.

She ran up to me and we hugged.

"Vaisey! Omigod we have to hang out more."

"Yes! I never see you, now introduce me to your friend!" Vaisey cried.

Wren stepped in front of me.
"Hi, I'm Wren Fletcher of the Aspen Fletchers." She coolly extended a hand.

I half expected Vaisey to kiss it, she was so entranced.

I sighed. "Let's go, it's starting."

The entire concert I sat down sipping my drink, as Vaisey and Wren became best friends.

They talked and talked and made inside jokes and flirted with every guy, despite the fact that Vaisey had a very loving boyfriend watching her from the stage!!

The final straw was when Wren started sexy dancing on a bale of hay.

I pulled her off and dragged her outside.

"Hey,I was just getting started!" She whined.

"We're leaving." I said through gritted teeth.

Wren sighed and followed after me.

I decided this was the perfect time to talk to her about Cain.

"Wren-" I started, but was cut off by a loud honk of a car.

"Hey do you ladies need a ride?" The guy called out.

It was Rev Anderson, the most popular guy in the entire town, he was a senior in high school.

"Were fine." I called back just as Wren said "Sure."

We stepped inside the car.

It was small dark and reeked of axe cologne.

It had four seats but one of them was filled with various sports equipment.

Wren stepped in the front and then screeched.

"Oh God sorry, I forgot I was giving my mate Charlie a ride home too." Rev laughed.

I was already seated in the back so the only seat available for Wren was Charlies lap.

Charlie offered no complaint to this.

"Hey, I'm Charlie, Lullah's friend." Charlie smiled at Wren.

"Wow" Lullah breathed. "I didn't know Talulz knew so many hottttt guys."

She bit her lip and laughed, throwing her head back.

I observed this encounter from the back, squished between a basketball and a bag of smelly jerseys.

"This is us." I called as we drove past Dibdobs'.

The car stopped and I physically had to pull Wren off of Charlie.

"Watch your step" He called, as he pinched her bum.

Wren giggled. "Bye Charles."


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