Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of Dibdobs screaming.

I looked up from my bed, to see Dibdobs screaming like an Appachi warrior and beating Cain with a broom.

"MOLESTER!!!" She screamed.

"DIBDOBS NOOOO!" I shouted, leaping up from my bed.

"He walked me back last night and we fell asleep thats ALL."

She stopped attacking him.

"You stupid kids." She threw the broom on the ground and walked out.

I was mortified. My face felt so hot, there was no way I could turn around and face Cain. He probably thought I was just a little kid now.

Tears sprung to my eyes, then, all of a sudden out of nowhere I heard laughter, and felt Cains strong arms around me.

"Hilarious! goddamn priceless!" He laughed and held me close.

"Hey," he pulled away. "why are you crying."

I looked down and wiped my tears away with a finger.

"I'm not." I sniffed.

"Ding da da ding da da ling!" A cell phone ring burst out in the room.

"Oh shit!" he scrambled to find his cell.

"Hello?" he called into it.


"Okay, I'll be right there."

"I have to go, Crusty found me an extra shift and I have to go."

PLEASE READ LIKE SERIOUSLY PLEASE: So im kinda running out of ideas like idk why and u would litersly be amazing if u could comment some dorections that u would like this storu to go like ... Sex, Break up and back together, scandal, like please let me know!!!!

Tallulah/Cain Fanfic (The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن