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Sleep did not come easily for Matt Murdock. His nightmares did not allow him a minute of sleep, and he resented that. Unfortunately, this was not anything new for the ex-vigilante. Ever since his eyesight was taken away from him, nightmares and night terrors would cloud his sleep. He would have faceless monsters haunt him, and terrifying screams follow him.

Sighing, Matt gets out of bed and heads towards the kitchen for a glass of water. As he pours himself his water, he recalls what has happened since he has arrived at Beacon Hills. It hasn't been that long, perhaps a month, but he is already dreading living here for any longer. Matt can't leave though, he lucked out and scored a job as well as has a nice place to live, all thanks to nuns that saved him. He'd seem ungrateful if he just packed his stuff up and left, and that's the last thing wanted.

After finishing his glass of water and his train of thought, he resigns himself at the fact that he can't really escape danger. It's not like he can head back to Hell's Kitchen, his friends think he's dead already, and he doesn't want to cause them more harm already. He'll just have to suck it up and help out in Beacon Hills as a vigilante.

Shaking his head he walks back to his room, hoping to get a bit of sleep. He has work tomorrow, and he can't afford to look too tired or he'll worry his co-workers.


Today wasn't the greatest day for Matt, not at all. Dare he say it was a Very Bad No Good Day. First of all, most of his students failed the Spanish exam, which meant that most of them were failing the class overall, which did not make the class of seniors happy. He has never heard that many explicit words directed at him in his life like he had today. To top this all off, he had spilled coffee on his shirt, which more than likely stained the blue fabric. But, this wasn't the end of his bad day, because currently, Scott McCall was knocking on his classroom door.

He could take the easy way out and pretend he wasn't there and wait till the werewolf left, but Scott was a werewolf and could probably tell he was in his classroom. There was also the option of getting out through the window and walk home, but he was pretty sure Scott would catch up to him quickly. All he could do now is let the alpha in and have a conversation.

With a small sigh, Matt cleared his throat, "Come in, Mr. McCall."

The door squeaked open, and he supposes Scott peaked his head in before walking into the room, heading towards where Matt was sat in his desk chair. Matt motioned to the chair in front of him, inviting Scott to sit down.

Before Scott could say anything, Matt said, "No beating around the bush. If you have any questions, just ask. I will try to answer them as honestly as I can, if I can even answer them at all."

There Matt goes, being rude and blunt again, but he didn't care. He tried to live a normal life for once, but things seemed to not work out in his favor at all. He was allowed to be angry, dammit.

Scott let out a small noise of surprise before Matt felt him nod, so he braced himself for the long conversation that was about to take place.

"So, you know about us, right? Like, werewolves?" Scott asked, his tone holding an underlying threat, which kind of confused Matt but he would not question the alpha, to each their own he guesses.

"Yes, I am quite knowledgeable of werewolves, there is quite a few back where I'm from, both good and bad," Matt answered curtly.

"So that means you know that the people in the cookout are my pack?"

Matt gave a hum of acknowledgement accompanied with a small nod. Scott nods as well, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

"Is that all, Mr. McCall?"

"Well, for now it is. I would like to talk more with the rest of my pack present as this also concerns them, if you let me of course," Scott said as he stood up from the chair.

Matt also stands, brow raised at the tone of courtesy from the wolf, 'He must really want to talk,' Matt thinks. He gives a tight lipped smile and nods.

"Alright, I accept your offer Mr. McCall, when do you plan on having this "pack meeting" of sorts?" Matt questions as they both head towards the door of the classroom.

"Well, it would be favorable if you could come to the pack house right now? It's kind of urgent since the attack from the hunters happened and stuff. It's okay if you can't right now, we can schedule a different day, just – the sooner the better." Scott sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.

Matt sighs and nods, already feeling that this afternoon is going to be a long one.

it didn't take me another two years to update, yay for me i guess??

i hope this is a good filler chapter, and im sorry if it is short. i plan on making the next chapter longer, i promise.

comment your theories, questions etc. i love when you all comment, it gives me motivation to write.

thank you again for reading! see you soon :)

thank you again for reading! see you soon :)-jackie

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