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"How do you know my dad?" Matt asked Peter, looking directly at the werewolf, facial expression hard and sharp.

"I was very good friends with him," Peter started, "And I recognize that last name anywhere. Everyone always said, Be careful of the Murdock boys, they have the devil in them."

Matt nodded, swallowing hard and fiddling with the collar of his sweater. "Well, it's time for me to leave, it was a lovely cook out. Have a nice day." Matt picked up the broken pieces of his cane from the ground, walking towards the exit with ease.

Scott, finally coming out of his dumbfounded haze, chases after Matt. "Hey! Wait!" He catches up to Matt. "You can't just leave without an explanation!"

"Mr. McCall," Matt begins, "Not to be rude, but I really have better things to do rather than to stick around with your pack and explain myself. So, if you don't mind, I really need to go."

Matt walks out of the Hale property, expertly maneuvering himself around Beacon Hills until he reaches his house. He opens the door and walks inside, slamming the door and throwing the broken pieces of his cane to the floor. He walks to the counter and grabs his phone, pressing the button. "Siri, call Foggy."

The phone rings twice before someone picks up the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, Foggy, it's Matt-"

"Who is this?" Foggy asked harshly.

"It's Matt-"

"Call me back when you stop being childish." The harsh tone of the dial sounding throughout the silent house. Matt sighed and when to sit on one of the couches that furnished his house, rubbing his face harshly. He groans when he remembers that his glasses fell while he was fighting the hunters.

As he was about to head to his room to rest, Matt heard the sound of approaching feet. He grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be a wooden spoon, Matt's head immideatly ran with ideas he could use the wooden spoon as a deadly weapon.

"I know you're there, Matt. I can hear your footsteps and your heartbeat. I came here to drop off your glasses." Matt recognized the voice as Derek Hale's.

He sighed and walked swiftly towards the door, unlocking it and opening it. He looked in Derek's direction and thrust his hand out,waiting for the wolf to give him his glasses so he could leave and rest.

Call him ill-mannered, he doesn't care. It's been a long day and all he wants to do is rest. Beacon Hills was supposed to be a fresh start, no vigilante duties, no beating bad guys up, nothing. Just him being a Spanish teacher for the local high school as well as being that blind helpless dude.

But things never go Matt's way, life is funny like that. It's like he's destinied to be where trouble always is. Back in Hell's Kitchen, he was fighting villains and the occasional superhero. Now in Beacon Hills, he's going to have to fight the supernatural and it's hunters.

He's broken out of his thoughts as Derek places the glasses harshly in his hands, a growl deep within the werewolves chest.

"That was quite rude," Matt says as he puts his glasses on.

"You smell like hunters and anger, so sorry if I don't want to be around you."

Matt chuckles, "Then why come give me my glasses? I am more than certain than the alpha would've glad came in your place."

"I'm the rational thinker, and I don't think you'd appreciate Scott questioning you, am I right?" Derek says, raising a brow at Matt.

Matt purses his lips. Derek was right. He was too tired to be answering personal questions, he didn't want to deal with that right now. All he wanted to do was sleep.

"I take it I'm right. Well, good night Matt. I'll expect to see more of you around. Once you get involved in Beacon Hills' mess, there really isn't a way out." And with that, Derek walked away, leaving Matt thinking about his words.

So now way out? Matt thought to himself, Great. Amazing. Just what I needed. I can never seem to catch a break.

Matt closed the door and walked up to his room. Sleep was all he wanted to do right now.


it's been almost two years since ive updated this. wow, i am so sorry.

yeah, this chapter is short but given ive had less than half of it in my drafts since january of 2018, i think i did pretty well in continuing it.

if there's anyone you should thank for the sudden surge of inspiration, it's cho seungyoun aka woodz aka luizy. he's from uniq and x1! i came onto this app to solely change my user and icon but then i clicked on this unfinished chapter while listening to his solo works and bam.

anyways, sorry for the long note. i hope i can update this more frequently!

-jackie :)

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