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It has been a week and two days since Matt moved into Beacon Hills, and it has been a week since Matt started work as a teacher.

Teaching wasn't the hard part, he was fairly experienced in the curriculum and knew everything by heart, Spanish being one of his favorite classes and languages.

The hard part was teaching a class full of thirty immature students who would laugh at every little thing, also acting assholish and making fun of his disability.

Matt could take it, he has developed thick skin, both figuratively and literally, over the years, nothing could hurt him much.

Being able to take it didn't mean that Matt couldn't be a little asshole as well, chuckling at the thought of most of his students struggling and cramming for tests that will come randomly.

Speaking of students, Matt hears the sounds of shuffling feet and voices. They're in the locker area, Matt thought to himself. They're all going to be late again, since the locker area is at the other side of the campus and Matt hears the bell readying itself to ring throughout the campus.

The bell goes off, slightly hurting Matt's ears and he hears hundreds of feet frantically run towards their respective classes, hearts beating erratically.

He stands up slowly and grabs his cane, tapping away as he walks towards the door of the class room and unlocks it. He walks back to his desk and leans on it, arms crossed as he looks ahead of him behind tinted glasses.

One by one, panting students walk inside the classroom, all of them sitting down in their respective seats, muttering complaints about having to take the class again. Matt smiled, knowing what he was about to do would surely get a reaction out of the class.

"Okay class, take out a sheet of paper and a pencil, you have an examen today." He walked towards his desk and grabbed the stack of papers that was placed neatly in a corner. He motioned for his helper to pass out the tests for him.

"Mr. Talbot will be passing out the tests, please do not write on it, if you do I will deduct ten points from your test," Matt said, making sure to emphasize himself.

He heard someone quietly say, 'how will he know if we write on it? It's not like he can see,' followed by scattered snickers.

"Trust me Miss. Watts, I will know if you did or did not. Also, I will not tolerate that type of behavior anymore, I've let it slide for the past few days but I will not anymore. If I continue to hear that type of behavior I will not hesitate to flunk you and have you take the class again in the summer, and I know you do not want that since you're seniors and want to get out of here already."

The whole class of seniors was stunned at that, having never heard a serious tone on anyone ever.

Matt smiled as he heard all of his students heart beats start beating faster. "Now, I advise you to start the examen already, you have till the end of the class period. Escojan sus respuestas sabiamente."


"Alright estudiantes, time is up! Turn in your examen as you walk about of the room, don't forget to include your name and the class period."

Students stood up quickly, all making a beeline towards the door where Matt and Brett were standing next to, Brett collecting the tests while Matt bid the students goodbye.

"I hate this class," A student said as he turned in his exam. Matt chuckled.

"Ah, it's going to get harder!"

The student groaned and started to complain to his friend as they walked out of class, being the last ones out.

Matt walked back to his desk, sitting on his chair and loosening his tie a little. He heard a slight shuffle of papers and a pen being lifted.

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