Chapter 1: Moving

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Today is the day.

The day Peter leaves his home, and to be honest he's not that sad about it. No. What upsets him is the people he will be leaving... Mj, Ned, Tony, Pepper, even Happy...

"You still have me, Peter?"
Peter turned around from the suitcase he was packing to see May stood in the doorway of his bedroom.

"But you are dead so, do i really?" Peter huffed and walked passed her to his desk. Since May died a month or two ago, he has been seeing her everywhere. Its the grief he thinks, but it's nice having her around, as long as no one catches him talking to thin air, it'll be fine.

"Oh dont you back chat me young man, i may be dead but i'm still your aunt so i'm still in charge!" May argued back chuckling a bit at the end of the sentence.

Peter walked back over to his suitcase and packed the last of his things before zipping up his case. Then he thought. He was literally fighting with his conscience.

"I'm sorry. It's just, not fair May! I'm only moving because i 'sneak out at inappropriate times'. Crime doesnt just wait for me does it!?" Peter huffed sighing.

"I'm sorry sweetie, i know it's hard," she said and walked over to his bead where he sat, stroking his hair as she hugged him, "but i know you'll love London. New sights to see, Ben always wanted us to go right? Now's your chance and you get to go for free. Give it a go." May said and we both laughed.

"PETER!!" screeched the owner of the orphanage. That was his queue. "COMING!" Peter yelled back. He stood up and thanked May before leaving. He turned around in the doorway to look at his room one more time, and this time may was no where to be seen.

Peter got to the bottom step of the orphanage where a cab was waiting to take him away with some random guy who was taking him to the airport too.

As they were in the cab, Peter's belongings in the trunk, he sat in silence. Until May showed up.

"Don't look so down honey. Remember, as soon as you're 18 you could move back if you really hate it there. Only 3 years to go. " she reminded him tucking a tuft of his hair behind his ear.

"I know, i'm just scared i wont fit in. What if the kids think i'm weird?" Peter whispered back so that the two men in front wouldn't hear him.

"What for Peter? Being the smartest there?" May asked and laughed. "Peter, don't worry. If they dont like you, i'll always be here.." she said placing a loving hand on his cheek to which he replied by leaning into the touch.

"Thank you May, i larb you.."

"I larb you too, Petey.."


Soon they arrived at the airport where Peter would proceed on his own, and so he boarded the plane and he was off.

Peter's flight was peaceful. Nobody was seated in his row of seats so May took the one next to him, laying her head on his shoulder as they both watched a movie on his laptop.

"You remember your suit?" May suddenly asked. "Yeah," Peter answered, "I got it, don't worry about it." He added smiling softly at his aunts worrying.

Peter must've fallen asleep, because the next thing he remembers is being woken up by his aunt telling him the plane was landing in 5. Peter blinked and she was gone again and so he put all his stuff away and soon he was leaving the plane.

He was told to look for some man in a black suit with black slick hair with an umbrella, called 'Mike' apparently??
(haha lol ;)) yes i mean Mycroft)


He had to go pick up some kid from the airport because he had offered to take him into the orphanage he funds, run by the ever charming Miss. Baye, since he knew Peter went to midtown and knew how smart he was.

Great idea to get all the smart kids in one household, like he had done, just incase. He was now stood in the airport looking out for 15 year old with a mop of light brown curls, freckles and a... pun t-shirt..?

*Peter again*

He saw the man matching the description and walked towards him. "You know who that is right?" May asked right as you walked up to him. She was stood behind him.

"You're Mycroft Holmes." Peter stated and May smiled at Mycrofts shocked face. "Good boy" she said before disappearing again.

"Yes, good deduction." he sneered and rolled his eyes. Clearly he had enough of being deduced by someone else.

"No i just got told by the guy who drove me to the airport, Mike." Peter replied and smirked.
Mycroft turned and walked to the exit. "Come boy."

They walked up to a black BMW and Mycroft opened the door for Peter. "Hurry boy, not got long." is all Mycroft said and so he got in.

"He isn't a nice man. He works for-"
"The government yes i know" Peter interrupted May.

"What was that?" Mycroft turned around in his seat as the driver started to leave the car park.

"Nothing, sorry." Peter turned to him. "Hmpf" Mycroft said and faced the front again. May didn't show up the rest of the ride.

They arrived at the orphanage and Mycroft shows him his new room. It has a queen sized bed and two bedside tables on either side, a wordrobe with a few articles of clothing put in for him. It also has a desk with a laptop and new phone on it next to a lamp.

"I hope you enjoy your stay, i'll be leaving now. Bye." and that was it, Mycroft left and Peter unpacked and went down to meet the owner, Miss. Baye. She was nice, for now.

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