Chapter 4

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Evian awoke to find himself cuddling up with Gabriel, quickly he shot up with a crimson red face.

"Wow she is really pretty." Evian told himself as he made his way quietly out of the library and went to see Raphael meditating.

"Uncle Raphael, can I join you?" Evian asked the arc angel who opens his eyes and smiled at the son of god.

"Yes you can join Evian." Raphael told Evian and he sat down and got into a meditation pose.

Time skip

Evian and Raphael where training after meditating. Evian even only at 10 years old had learned the basics of kung fu quickly.

"Uncle Raphael." Evian called to the angel who stoped there training and saw Evian had a face that had a question.

"Yes Evian?" Raphael asked and Evian stood up from doing his push ups.

"I want to go to the human world." Evian asked the angel and Raphael was gonna speak up but Michael walked in and spoke up himself.

"Your still the young to go to the human world once you are old enough we will take you there and once your even older we will let you go live there yourself." Michael told Evian who nodded his head.

"Ok let's get back to the training." Evian said and so Raphael and the son of god got back to training for the day.

Time skip
Gabriel awoke from her sleep and saw the sun was setting meant she slept for a while.

"Oh my I slept for quite the time." Gabriel said as she got up and saw Evian in the library again reading about his father fighting style.

"Evian." Gabriel called out to the young angel who looked up and smiled at her.

"Good evening Gabriel, I see you slept well." Evian told her and she nodded her head.

"Yes I did, I see your reading again." She told Evian who nodded his head and she walked out and took a glance to see what he was reading specifically, he was reading gods basic stances of fighting.

"This is all interesting, how such a amazing but such a powerful fighting style could be made." Evian told Gabriel who nodded her head.

"Yes I remember watching your father train all the time and how he would teach me, Michael and Raphael fighting styles when we where young." Gabriel told Evian who looked shock.

"Your trained with my dad?" Evian asked and Gabriel nodded her head. "That awesome you must be really strong if you trained with my dad." Evian told Gabriel who laugh.

"Yes you could say I am pretty strong myself." Gabriel told Evian, Gabriel stood up and smiled at Evian she said goodbye as she walked out of the library.

Night time

Evian was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Evian called and Raphael walked into the room and walked over and sat on the bed.

"How's my little pupil doing?" Raphael asked the young prince.

"I am doing ok tired from training so I was gonna get some sleep." Evian told Raphael who nodded his head and smiled.

"Well I just wanted to tell you I am upping your training sense is been almost 3 weeks sense we started." Raphael told Evian who smiled.

"Ok goodnight uncle Raphael." Evian told the arc angel who walked out waving behind him. And so Evian turned the light off and went to sleep.

Bammmm that's a wrap comment like share and as I always say until next time ALEX_UZI14 OUTTT

Also there will be a good time skip next chapter

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