🌸Thinking 🌸

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Alex point of view :

The sensation of fear was something that i've always had. Being in a huge position meant responsibility.

You constantly need to be on your watch for dangers and make sure that everyone is safe, especially your love one's.

Watching those old couples make me wonder when i would find my special one. She's here somewhere out there in this world waiting for me.

Everyday, I try my best to find her but in vain. I've already visited all the packs and still I couldn't find her. Maybe she is human or maybe she's too young that is why i can't find her.

Looking around me, I could see everyone enjoying themselves. My brothers with their friends talking to each other, my parents laughing at their jokes and my pack members enjoying themselves.

Here, I am thinking if she exist or not.

Alpha's Katana MateWhere stories live. Discover now