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"Where am i?" You said sleepily. You woke up to a small room tied up to a wall *sigh* "I've been kidnapped again" you say in a clearly annoyed tone. You hear footsteps and four men and one women walk into the room. "Oh look she's finally awake" the women says coldly then she quickly takes out a kunai and cuts the ropes. You face first on to the floor "ow" you say quietly to yourself. "Get up" said a scornfull voice as someone grabbed your long red hair "eww what ugly red hair" said the women. Wich made your blood boil "h-hey boss should we sell her we'll get alot of money like that" said one of the men "SHUT IT!" Yelled the women "we are going to use her for her powers NOT SELL HER YOU DINGBAT" she scolded.

The women brought you to a room with a man looking incredibly weak. W-what are they gonna do with me. You thought "alright you dumb red head hold your arm out" said the women. You give her a cold glare and refuse. The women yanks your arm and tells the weak man to bite "Ahh!" You yell out in agony. The man bites down as hard as he possibly could in his weekend state.

Around five minutes later he looked as if he had never been week at all, he looked completely healed and he was fine. "Lord Tatsuo I see you were right this girl is useful" said the women "lock the door on your way out so she cant escape, but give her some food and water so she doesn't starve" said tatsuo.

The women put a bowl of food and a bowl of water in front of you. "Tch if it wasn't for tatsuo we would've killed you by now so be grateful" said the women as she walked out.

Be grateful I've been kidnapped for goodness sake I'd rather die at this moment. You thought to yourself

Realizing how much chakra tatsuo had taken from you you fell to the floor feeling weak he took to much chakra, much more and I would be dead. You thought to yourself. You got up slowly and started trying to find a way out. You relise the lock was on the inside of the room. You picked the lock with ease and went into a large hallway trying to find a way out. You see a door and hear talking on the other side.

"We need to get rid of her, she is useful yes but she is an uzumaki and once word gets out of this people all over the place will come to take her. So we might as well end it right here right now" A man's voice said. Realizing you were in danger you look for an exit faster. "What are you doing here" says a man's voice. You then feel a sharp pain in your back realizing he had stabbed you. You look down in horror to see the other side of a sword sticking out of you, the man then pulls it back out.You fell on the floor and he picked you up and threw you into a room. "This should keep you put" the man said scornfully. You tilt your head slightly just enough to see a black silhouette of a man. Moments later everything goes black.

"(Y/N) please be okay" says hinata "as long as she isn't trying anything she should be fine" says kiba. "Y-yes but w-what if we get ther- nevermind" says hinata she then activates her byakugan. I think I see her around ten kilometers from here. " alright let's pick up the pace" exclaimed naruto "w-wait hold on. There are six others we need a plan" said hinata. Naruto the starts running faster "NARUTO COME BACK" yells sakura "STOP GOING OFF ON YOUR OWN LIKE THAT!" Sakura scolded. Naruto didn't even stop to listen he just kept running so everyone started running faster to catch up to him.

"You wake up and quickly bit your arm to heal the wound. You use your sensory skills to see if anyone is near. You sense the chakra of all the people keeping you hostage and then you sense four others chakra and relise it was kiba,naruto,sakura, and hinata coming towards this area. Yes when they come I can get out of this dump. You thought to yourself.

At konoha

"Lady tsunade do you really think they will just slaughter everyone there?" Asked shizune doubtfully "no, so I sent some anbu black ops to do the dirty work" said tsunade "oh I see" said shizune " I just hope (Y/N) is alright." Said shizune "yes me too" said tsunade

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Can I Love You ( Naruto Fanfic)( Hinata Hyuga X Fem Reader) [DONE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin