The unanswered question

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The four girls were playing truth or dare and it came down to your turn. You had said dare last time. wich was a mistake because sakura dared you to lick a wall. "Let's do truth why not" you said "ok is it true you have a crush on someone" asked ino. "No way!!" You practically shouted. "Aww come on I know you do (Y/N) I've seen they way you daydream sometimes" said sakura mischievously. "Wha-what! I-I mean no I don't!!" Your said trying your best not to sound flustered. "Oh just admit it we all know you like someone. Just spill the beans" said ino barley containing herself.

You knew good and well you couldn't get off the hook and so you had to lie. "F-fine I l-love" you managed to get out your mouth while trying not to throw up but also makeing it look like you were embarrassed. "Blegh kiba's like a brother to me" you thought "I just managed to say what first popped into my head" you though. " EKKKKKKK!!!!" squieled sakura she sounded almost like a mouse. But you looked over at hinata who looked as tho she was disappointed in hearing those words. She then excused herself to the bathroom.

You looked over to ino who had a mischievous grin on her face "w-what's with that look ino?" You asked. "oh nothing, nothing at all" she said still with the huge grin on her face. I looked over at sakura who had the same exact same grin on her face.

 I looked over at sakura who had the same exact same grin on her face

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A little while later hinata came back into the room. "Are you ok hinata? You've been in there a while" asked sakura with a bit of concern shown on her face. "O-oh y-yes I'm fine sakura" she said in a sort of disappointed tone.

"W-well I t-think we should go to bed n-now we've been playing t-truth or dare for a while now" she said shyly. The 5 girls agreed and went to bed....

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Can I Love You ( Naruto Fanfic)( Hinata Hyuga X Fem Reader) [DONE]Where stories live. Discover now