Clothes Stealer (Calum Hood Smut)

Start from the beginning

The door opens not even half an hour after I make it home. Calum storms in, even madder than he was when I left him.
"You are not going to ever pull that shit on me ever again." He nearly screams, making me stand up from the couch, deciding that moment that I am going to stay calm, no matter what.
"Turn your damn voice down. I am not a scared little puppy who is going to coward away because you decided to start screaming." I look at him in the eye, putting on my brave face.
"Don't try to change the subject now. You nearly ridiculed me today." He says, in a much lower voice now.
"And you didn't? Not only you ridiculed me, but you insulted me. You fucking insulted me because your ego was hurt by something you had no business getting hurt over. If I was exchanging clothes with Crystal, you wouldn't bat an eyelash." I am the one to snap now, finally confronting him about what I was tiptoeing around all evening.
"It's not the same." He growls and I look at him wide-eyed.
"How is it not the same? Luke is a friend of mine. He has been my friend before you and I were even a thing. And he has been your friend for longer, so if you are jealous of me and him being friends, you really don't know me, nor Luke. Because Luke has been your ride or die for years and he would never do that to you, and you don't know me, because if you did, you would fucking know that I love you way too much do ever betray you. Get your head out of your ass, because I know I deserve better than this behavior." I explain and he stares at me speechless.

"What, you expected me to sugarcoat it for you, get to you with droopy ears and puppy eyes and ask for forgiveness over something that is completely and entirely your fault? I am not your mother, Calum and you are not a child anymore. Grow the fuck up and admit you were wrong." I finish my monologue, sinking the room in silence. He looks at me with a tensed face as my chest inflates and falls. I regret not a single word from what I said.
He takes a moment before he walks away, rushing to get in my bedroom. I stare at him as he walks away, my brain pounding in my head.
I don't want to follow him, I don't want to see what he is doing in there; deep in my heart, I know he is going to pick whatever stuff he has in my house and leave.
I don't want him too, but I guess confronting him wasn't something he wished for.

He walks out of my bedroom, an armful of his shirts and hoodies being dropped next to me on the couch.
"You are my girlfriend. Mine. And my girlfriend should be stealing my clothes. I don't care if he is your friend, I don't care if he is ok with it, my girlfriend is wearing my clothes." He growls, grabbing a fistful of his garments. He waves the striped shirt in front of my face, his hand flexing as he grips onto it tightly.
"Here we go again." I roll my eyes, bringing my hand to rub my temples.
"No, you don't get it. I want my clothes on your body, I want you to wear my clothes, my clothes. Luke has a girlfriend, she can wear his. But my girlfriend wears my clothes. And I veto that." He whines, making me chuckle at him, raising my hands in defeat.
"You are literally throwing a tantrum right now, Hood." I say softly, walking closer to him.
"I am not." He protests, making me hum.
"Yeah, I can tell." I cup his face in my hands. I reach up, kissing his lips softly as his hands go to my waist, resting on the dip of my back.
He kisses me back softly, sighing in relief as I stroke my thumbs over the freckle on his cheek.
"Baby..." He moans against my lips, making me smirk.
"You definitely act like one." I tease him and he groans.
"I don't." He frowns, his bottom lip pouting a bit.
"You do. You are a bratty baby..." I squish his cheeks between my hands, making him hum as his eyes turn dark.
He grips my jaw and looks at me sternly, orbs glazed with lust.
"I'll fucking show you who's the brat." He spits out, jaw clenching before he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He carries me like I am not heavier than his gym bag, but his biceps are bulging and stretching against the sleeves of his t-shirt, making my stomach become knotted.

His hand lands on my ass, making me yelp and causing my foot to prop up.
"My ass... My ass..." He growls, his hand squeezing on the cheek his hand landed.
He lays me on the bed, hovering above me instantly and bringing his fingers to work on undoing the buttons of Luke's shirt. His eyes burn my skin as he scans it, his tongue peeking from between his plump lips before his teeth tug on the bottom one.
"Should have just ripped it into pieces..." He mumbles, bringing his thigh between my legs, pressing it right on my core.
"Grind on my thigh, princess. I know you want to..." He comments as I squirm against his leg.
"Calum..." I whine the moment he uses his fingertips to trace down the valley between my breasts.
"What, baby? You love grinding that greedy little pussy on my thigh... You sure do when I am not paying attention to you, or when you get bored out of your mind during movie night." He teases, reaching under me to unhook my bra.
"I need more of you... I need all of you." I complain and he chuckles.
"Who's the brat now?" He asks, sliding the straps of my bra down my arms, along with the sleeves of the shirt.
"I can tell that you are soaking wet... I bet if I slip my hand inside your pants, waterfalls are going to flow." He says, leaning down to bring his mouth to my nipple. He bites on the nub of nerves, making me cry out and buck my hips against his leg. I press my core more on it, trying to soothe the pressure between my legs.
"Jesus, Cal..." My voice is breaking as he pulls his head back, pulling my nipple along.
"Tell me what I gotta do to show everyone you're mine..." He demands, unbuttoning my jeans and dragging them down, moving from between my legs and making me whine at the loss of contact.

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