Snap out of it Ame! Get hold of your thoughts.


I stared at the big house. The appearance proved that it was going to be boring.

As I entered, they were a lot of eyes staring at me. I felt uncomfortable. But I almost laughed when I saw my aunt gazing at the food table.

After a few boring conversations, irritating giggles, overreacting of ladies, senseless gossips and mental judgments, it was time for dinner. I sighed in relief because I was famished and tired. I'd have rather slept than waiting for dinner. My aunt hurriedly got up and widened her eyes. Everyone was hungry but she seemed to be more than that. I wouldn't have been surprised if she ran for the table and stuffed the food into her mouth. I couldn't believe I had imagined that! I pressed my lips harder in order to control my laughter.


After I was done with my dinner, I looked around for a peaceful corner. A place away from the commotion. " I can really use some silence right now" I reminded myself. My search ended up at a partially closed door. I peeked in to see if there was someone else there. Gladly, the place was empty. As I stepped in the room, I realised that it wasn't a room but a balcony. The view of the sky, filled with twinkling stars, was perfect. I smiled and walked towards the railing. I grabbed it by my hand and locked my gaze at the amazing piece of nature.

The stars always amused me. The way they twinkled although they were all by themselves. Each star had its own shine. All together they produced  sparkling light even though they were at a distance from each other. How splendid they made the dark night sky appear!

"Beautiful!" A new voice gasped.

But I was so lost in the beauty of the shimmering orbs that I didn't bother to know the source of the voice.

"Yeah, beautiful" I replied and I didn't care to whom I was speaking.

"You alone?" Asked the voice.

"Hmm" I answered and this time paid attention to the voice. It was a male's.

There was one weird fact about me. I got attracted to guys' voices more than their faces.

I felt like I could trust the person. So, I continued gazing at the shining natural roof.

"Me too" he said.

"Silence? Like?" He stammered and messed up with his words.

I smiled although I knew he wouldn't be able to see me in the dark. "Yeah, me, silence, love" I imitated him, not to make his fun but so that whoever he was, didn't feel embarrassed.

"Me, love, silence too" he replied and the sound of wooden creak followed. Maybe he had grasped the railing in the same way I had.

"Very" he said. "Dark" I replied. "Lovely" he exclaimed.  "Spark" I completed and smiled ear to ear.

  I didn't know what was making me so joyful but that conversation was pleasing. We were just using few words and still understanding each other completely.

"Very" I said this time and a little louder. "Dark" he yelled. "Lovely" I yelled back. I didn't hear him then. After waiting for a little while I said in a high but not very high voice "Spark" I heard him saying too. We yelled it together. I laughed slightly and finally moved my eyes towards the opposing balcony but the lights on that side where turned off as well.

I then heard a call. Maybe it was for him.

I didn't see who he was! I didn't want him to leave. "Very dark" I shouted but not violently. "Lovely spark" he shouted back but his voice echoed and finally faded away.

The smile on my face vanished and my eyes looked for him. I moved my vision to the sky again. Lesser stars could be seen. Where did the stars disappear in a trice? The silence wasn't soothing anymore. I still stood there hoping that he would show up again but soon all the stars vanished. I unwillingly walked into the house and prepared to leave.

I couldn't believe that I had spent so much time in there. Thankfully, the adults thought that I was with the children and the kids assumed that I accompanied the grown ups.

We left the house and while we were on the driveway, I saw a similar figure jumping into a cab. A little girl. I could just see her pony tail. I wanted to see more but our car drove away swiftly.

Duh! I threw myself back. Why did things have to be such a suspense? Mysterious voice and suspicious figure. I kept on wondering about the little girl. Maybe I just assumed things. All young brats looked alike, at least from behind. For instance, my cousin sister. If her short hair were to be replaced by a pony, she would exactly look like the girl I was probably imagining as familiar.

Whilst I was busy quarrelling the positive and negative thoughts, the car stopped and we were home. My uncle's home.


I quickly changed and hoped onto the bed. I was indeed tired. My eyes were about to close when I heard a well known giggle.

My little sister was in a mood to play. I had no real sister that's why little girls attracted me. I could spend my whole time with them. That also should have been a reason for my curiosity towards the hopping girl at the driveway. I threw a small pillow at my cousin playfully. She imitated me and soon we were indulged in a pillow fight.

Her mother and my aunt called her to sleep. I giggled and asked her to go to her mom or else she would utilise the entire energy her body had produced by the food at the dinner. The way she ate was humorous. Like instead of the table the food had legs and it'd escape the dining hall any instance. I was explaining in the politest way possible. Even the thoughts of it made me laugh till my stomach hurt. I was surprised how astonishingly I controlled my laughter back there. Not to forget that I almost choked while trying to hold in the guffaw when she stared at the last pastry and the woman who was serving herself the food.

Soon my cousin left the room. My eyes were tired gazing at the sky, my throat sore due to the yelling, stomach hurt thanks to my aunt's hilarious greed for food, my body was worn out because of the recent pillow fight but my brain was working fine although it should have been the most exhausted one.

I laid my head on the pillow and pulled up the blanket in order to cover my body. I liked to sleep warm. Sometimes I just wondered how sound and sweet that sleep would be which is gained after cuddling someone. I wrapped my arms around myself.

Suddenly my thoughts went back to the voice. It was strange yet amazing how we understood each other just by a few words. He too stood there staring the sky like me. He also seemed to be amused by the stars. His voice was something different. An attractive one. Sadly, I couldn't see him. I hoped I got to see him some day.

"Very dark! Lovely spark!" I muttered and drifted to sleep.

MY SECOND BUT TRUE LOVE #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now