Chapter 4

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    "WOW!" Yelled the hat. All the students and teachers were now looking, the yell had gathered all of their attention. "You're so powerful! I don't know what house to put you in!" He whispered to merlin. Arthur started at them. His palms were sweating and he was shaking. They were going to get caught. They were going to be get killed by these evil Sorcerer's for not having powers.

    "You are so powerful I have never sensed this much magic from anyone nor anything before. I don't sense anything else but you are courages. I see you will go through far lengths for the people in need and your loved ones, I guess I will put you in....GRYFFINDOR!" "That was strange don't you think harry?" Asked Hermione over the claps of the table. "Yeah it was....the hat had never reacted like that. Hmm...maybe they missed the first years of school, or their schools were different since they didn't have their houses yet." "Oh, hush harry the other ones next!" "William!" Arthur stayed sitting. That clot pole forgot his name! Arthur looked up as he realized the claps had stopped. He gulped as he saw everyone was staring. Arthur sat there stalling, why were they staring. Then he remembered, Arthur jumped up and walked up to the hat and waited. "WOW!" Screamed the hat once more. "You have no magic." Arthur's blood went cold. "But you have power and I sense a form of magic with you, you are the most courages boy I've seen. You fight for justice and what's right. You are ready to lay down your life for your loved ones and the people." Arthur began to calm down. "I know exactly where to put you in...GRYFFINDOR!" The table began to clap again. "What is up with those two!? Why would the hat react like that?" Asked Ron.

    Arthur made his way to the table, many of the student where calling him over just like merlin. They were curious about these two. Why would the hat seem so surprised? Arthur searched the table and quickly made his way near merlin, ignoring the other Sorcerer's. They were now sitting next to Harry, Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore was announcing something it was about a cancellation of quidditch? And about a trizard tournament. He was then interrupted by a new professor named mad eye moody. But Merlin and Arthur were to busy trying to find out what is happening. They were both sweaty and in distress. Dumbledore finished his announcement. "Merlin what is going on?" "I think we have been assigned a house and this is a magical school." "Well no shit merli-" "So your William and...Addison?" Said a boy with red hair. "Yeah, Uh hi." Responded Merlin. Arthur just looked at them. We're these kids sorcerers? "So uh Addison are you a girl?"

I'm to lazy to fix my grammar

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