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Chapter Two

I was sitting in the passenger seat of a total stranger'a nice car. He was shiny and black. This was dangerous.

"What's your name?" I asked him. I needed to make it less scary. So, I got to know him.

"Gunn," he growled out. That was an odd name. Why would he be named similar to a violent weapon.

"Is that a nickname?" I asked.

He had his usual scowl on his swollen lips and a cold glare in his eyes as he drove. He didn't answer me. He kept driving. His hand was on the steering wheel as he twirled the wheel with the palm of his hand.

He was a pretty reckless driver. He was swerving and speeding. I couldn't really say anything I haven't driven a car before. I wasn't sure what you were supposed to do.

"I'm Mare Daisy Westwood, but my family calls me Mare Bear or Bela," I told him. My voice was high and soft. "Actually my full first name is Marebela, but people rarely call me that."

"I don't care," he snarled.

I shut my mouth and frowned. He was rude.

"Why are you so grumpy?" I stated. My lips pulled down in a frown. He was never happy.

"I'm not," he denied in a deep voice. The car jumped over a bump and a scream escaped my lips. I grabbed hold of the seat and tried to keep myself secure.

He continued to speed up. "Could you slow down?" I asked in a quiet voice. I felt like I was going to be sick. I didn't know if he heard me because he continued to speed.

I felt tears in my eyes. He was scaring me. I didn't want to crash.

"Gunn, slow down, I'm scared." I covered a hand on my mouth to silence another scream that escaped my lips when another bump hit the car. The car jumped up, causing me to as well. I jumped so high from the seat my head almost touch the roof.

The car started to slow down. Gunn saw me through the corner of his eye. I hastily wiped the tears that escaped my eyes from my cheeks and looked out the window.

He was driving slower on the road, now. We were almost close to my house. I couldn't believe he was going out of his way to help me. I still hated how horribly he drives.

I had a bigger problem, though. I didn't know how I was going to sneak back inside the mansion.

We approached the drive way, but I didn't want to wake anyone up. I didn't want anyone to see me.

"Can you park away from the driveway?" I asked him. What if they saw me in a strangers car? I wouldn't hear the end of it.

He didn't answer me and parked along a curb. There were trees planted there and grass.

I got out of his expensive car. "Thank you!" I exclaimed.

I pet the inside of the car once more. My hand slid against the warm leather. It was such a good feeling.

"Don't touch the car!" He shouted at me. His eyebrows furrowed together in anger.

I yelped in fear and removed my hand as quickly as I could from the luxurious leather. I jumped away and my head banged against the top of the car. Tears made their way to my eyes as I clutched my head.

"Why are you so rude?" I cried out. I haven't done anything to him.

"Just go home, little girl," he grumbled.

"I'm not a little girl, I already told you!" I exclaimed in irritation. He was frustrating me. I held my hand on my head over the pounding sensation.

"Yeah, yeah, get out!" He said, rudely as always.

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