After a second or two he grasped onto his wok, which for some reason was on the nightstand again. Wielding this weapon he threw open the blinds from where they had fallen shut, a silent moment of confusion followed as he peered around his yard, not seeing anyone anymore.

"Hello Yao," softly snickered a high pitched voice from near the door.

Whipping around, China switched hands on the kitchen utensil, pointing it toward the sound with his right arm this time. His long hair whipped into his face and into his mouth but he spit it out again, furious that he was thwarted in protecting his house. But suddenly resignation crossed his face.

"Russia aru?!" His weapon wielding arm drooping slighting as he felt his fear subside into confusion for a moment. Heat rising to his face as he realize how ridiculous he must have looked from a different perspective.

Said nation smiled, his eyes briefly closing in happiness as he rolled up onto the balls of his feet and clasped his hands behind his back. "Did I scare you~?"

China spluttered, taking his defensive stance again, wrapping his other hand around the handle of the wok again. "No! I... you-! 我勒個去!!!" Stomping his left foot and taking an angry step towards the younger nation.

Frowning, Russia raised his hands, "Why are you angry?"

"Why are you here?!" China retorted as he swung the wok down and dropped it at his feet, "and," he angrily stated as he stepped closer to his ally and poked his chest with an index finger, "how the hell did you get in aru?"

Blinking twice before he responded, Russia forced a smile and took China's hand in his, noticing it made the jittery nation startle. "I wanted to talk to you~."

China tried to pull his hand away from the Russian's, only to find it stuck there for the time being. Stomping his foot again he growled at the larger country, "but how did you get into my house aru?"

"Ah! I just went in through the door, well, after startling you through the window." Russia chuckled as he pulled the Asian man closer to him by his hand.

Jerking said appendage back and farther away from Russia's chest China growled even lower, "The door was locked."


"So you unlocked my door first and then came inside after scaring me aru?!'

"Da, that is correct."

Yet again stomping his foot as he tried to yank his hand away from the vice-like grasp that held it in place, China angrily hissed at his captator, furious at his actions and slightly threatened by the amount of planning that had gone into it.

Russia smiled and pulled the older man closer to him, "I just want to talk to you, is that really such a problem?"

Spluttering, China protested as his governmental ally pulled him closer and eventually forced him into a hug. Squirming seemed to do nothing against the younger man's relentless hold around him but that didn't stop the Asian from doing so.

"Russia!" he whined, "let go of me this instant or I will really try to get free aru!" Perturbed by the actions of the man who was hugging him, China tried to kick his knee but the Russian simply sidestepped.

"I want to talk," Russia purred, "there are things I need to find out..." but he stopped himself since his words had seemed very ominous. He spun China around so that he could rest his chin on the man's head, holding his hands crossed across his stomach.

After a brief pause of confused struggling China wiped his head around to face the man holding him in place again, "What? What do you need to find out aru? Also if you don't take your arms off me I. Will. Bite. You."

Finally dropping his gloved hands by his sides Russia smiled softly at his ally, "if you talked to me I could tell you, da?"

Deflating slightly, China spun around to face the other before taking another step backwards and away from Russia, briefly slipping over the wok he had dropped. Cursing as he regained his footing China glared at the Russian, "talk about what?"

"Oh," Russia giggled childishly, "just talk."

He took another step towards the Chinese man, who in turn backed up into a corner of the room, pressing his palms against the walls. As he stopped walking again Russia sighed, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

"Yet aru." China growled, his vocal tick barely audible over his heavy breathing.

Smiling sadly Russia whispered in agreement, "Yet."

Silently China stared into Russia's eyes, unable to comprehend what his words were trying to get across. Disgust edged his voice when he spoke again, "What the hell are you trying to say aru?"

Russia frowned, "I told you," taking a step closer towards China, who shied away, "I want to talk to you."


In exasperation Russia threw up his arms, "Why do you care? I'm worried about you!"

China stared at him, silently mouthing another 'why?' as he shied even further into the corner and squinted his eyes slightly.

Reaching forward and grabbing China's forearm, Russia pulled him out of his not-so-hidden hiding spot. Even as he resisted Russia could feel China's resolve ebing. Letting go of his arm again Russia grabbed his shoulders, "I'm worried about you because of how you acted the last time we saw each other,"

Groaning, China turned away, "I knew my boss was right..."

Frowning and dropping his arms, Russia spoke up, "the dragon?"

Waving his hand dismissively, China sighed as he anxiously lifted an index finger to tap the tip of his nose, "No no, the human, he said that people would use my acting out against me aru..."

"I'm not using it against you!" Russia protested, "I want to talk to you, I swear that's it." Though he knew that he was telling a slight lie he tried his hardest to sound sincere.

China swallowed as he closed his eyes, dragging his finger up the bridge of his nose before dropping it to his side again. A soft sigh from him was the only noise in the room for a moment, making Russia feel the chill of sudden loneliness that filled the space now that the other nation was calm.

"I will talk to you, but you must apologize for scaring me and breaking into my house aru,"

Silently, Russia nodded, "that's alright, I'm very interested to know what was causing you such a great distress," the broken English just barely covered up his smile, he was getting what he wanted finally. The amount of studying that had gone into this hadn't been too helpful but it had given him some references that he could drag ideas and theories from.

China nodded slowly, "Right..." he said, "so, you first. Go down the stairs aru."

Russia stared slightly inquisitively at him before China sighed again, "I'm not going in front of you, I need to make sure your not going to mess with me or my house."

Raising his eyebrows, Russia shrugged with a slight tilt of his head, "Da, that makes sense I suppose."

"It does aru," China growled before gesturing towards the door with a stray movement, "now please, capitalists first."

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