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A lot can happen in two months. Every moment, every second, every minute, every hour, every day that sums up to two months matters. Because you'll never know that moment your life could change.

It's been two months since I was at a crossroad in my life. Two months since I was in the darkest moments I have experienced in my life. And now it was just a memory.

So there I was, backstage and preparing for my first runway show, courtesy of Gigi. With each second that went by, my heart felt like exploding within my chest, even more than it had been doing since I woke up this morning.

Sat on an empty dresser and sighed at the image of myself reflecting on the mirror.

All day yesterday and today I had been here, involved in fitting and going over what needed to be done. And as much as I needed test, I couldn't rest. With my nerves on the edge, in anticipation of the night, I knew I wouldn't be able to get myself to do so until the night was over.

It's not that I wasn't happy. Of course I was happy. Infact, I was over joyed, if you could say. It wasn't everyday a young worker in Gigi gets to have her own clothing line displayed at one of Lagos biggest fashion event.

I just felt that my joy wasn't complete yet. There was still a missing piece. One that I have to piece together before I could say I have all I had to be happy.

"Hey. Don't get lost. We need you. "

I blinked out of my memory and focused on the reflection of smiling AY Gale, standing behind me with pocketed hands. I had been so lost in thoughts that I didn't even know the moment he walked in.

"How do you feel? " He asked, his smile soft.

I pursed my lips. "Happy. Maybe a little nervous. "

"It's normal to have those feeling. But you don't need to be nervous, Cynthia. You'll see, everything will turn out fine. Everyone will get to see what I see in you. "

I hummed in response, unsure of what my reply to that would be. Okay, I was really grateful to AY Gale for helping me through. But I knew he liked me. And I didn't think liking him back was something I could do anytime soon.

If you remember clearly, two months ago before I was demoted, I submitted my illustration for a competition that was going on within the company to him.

He put it through for me. And as shocking as it still sounded to me, I won. It's not that I didn't believe in myself. I just couldn't comprehend the fact my designs could be preferred over many other talented people within the company.

But I did win. Fair and square. No body even knew I was the one who made those illustrations until I won. That was because AY put them in with an alias name. So no one could say I cheated to win.

The problem now was that, he thought it would give me a reason to date him. He didn't say it but I saw it in his actions towards me. I tried my best not to encourage his behavior though.

"I'll go take my seat now. The shows about to start. " He said.

"Okay. " I replied and gave him a small smile. I felt a little bit bad that I wouldn't be able to reciprocate his feelings since he was a nice really guy. But what else could I do when I knew my heart belonged to another?

"Okay, ladies. " I said out loud when he left,  standing up and picking up my clip board from the table. "Let's do this! "

And we did do it. Standing backstage and watching on the television's screen the models come out with my designs on them, a feeling of pride filled my chest.

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