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"You're late. "

I nodded, swallowing as I shut my boss's office door behind me. I hadn't meant for Lebron and I's breakfast to take this long. But it turned out we had so much to catch up on. "I am sorry sir. Something came up. "

My boss was on his adjustable chair, swiveling and not looking like he was in a good mood.

"Well, considering that this is the first time, I'll let it go. " He said. "You can get back to work. "

"Actually sir, I want to talk to you. "

He sighed to obviously show he was uninterested in talking with anyone but nevertheless, willing because it's me. "Make it quick. "

I sucked in a deep breath. "I'm willing to pose as your girlfriend. "

He didn't exactly smile but the frown on his face lessened. "For real? "

I nodded. "But I have my conditions. "

"I figured you would. And they are? " He leaned forward on his desk.

"When I'm done making your schedule for the next day and I mail it to you to make any changes, you make the changes right there and then. No more spontaneous appointments, ever again. "

He pursed his lips. "And what if I must attend a particular spontaneous appointment?"

"You'll go there on your own if I decide I don't want to. "

He raised a brow and I added. "Sir. "

"Fine then. Anything else? "

"Not that I can think of at the moment. "

Pausing, his eyes narrowed inquisitively at me. "Is there a reason for the sudden change of mind? "

I blinked, knowing blurting out the reason might have him think I'm a crazy person. Deep down I knew this decision was borne out of jealousy. If James could be with another lady few hours after we slept together, why couldn't I be with one?

Stupid and childish, I know. But that wasn't how I was thinking at that moment.

"It's nothing significant. " I shrugged. "Just realized helping you out doesn't take anything out of me. "

When I returned to my desk, I place my head on the table, groaning. The idea of James hands on another woman's body wasn't exactly pleasing to my thoughts.

I really hoped what I was doing made any sense. But what could go wrong? It was just pretend date. Perhaps for real, I might eventually like my boss.

* * *
I stood at the centre of my room and stared at my bed like its legs had suddenly grown feet and started walking. I should be on it. And sleeping too considering I had work tomorrow morning.

But there was something about the memories made on that bed. I might have changed the sheets James and I had sex on but that was little or no changes in my memory. And I believe going out with my boss contributed to it.

After work, AY Gale and I attended his family dinner. His mother, just as he had said, was excited to meet me. But I could plainly see on the faces of the rest of the family members that they silently think something was odd between us. Especially his brothers.

And it wasn't because I wasn't a good actress. I gave an Oscar worthy performance but they saw through us.

Even after we kissed. Yes, my boss and I kissed. It was not a very good idea but we were out of ideas in looking convincing.

And how did I feel? Wrong. It felt so wrong. And I realized one thing, being with someone you don't like makes you compare them to the person you do. My act of spite, was torture to myself.

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