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Once in a while I drifted in and out of work, distracted by only one thing. Why the hell I hadn't called James to tell him his moving on made me jealous.

It turns out I had a large ego. And somehow, anytime I get myself to pick up my phone in an attempt to call him, my pride won.

Its been two days now since I resolved to stop over thinking my relationships and reach out to James. But since then, I had been waiting for a sign to show that taking this step was infact a sensible thing to do.

See, there is nothing completely wrong with telling a boy you like him. But when you come from a family like mine that teaches values on what a proper guy and a girl should do, you tend to question yourself at times like this.

I was certain about one thing, I like James. And the fear of been rejected still hovered. But I knew what I wanted, him. I wanted him to pester me again. I wanted to pester him too. And I wanted to feel his lips on mine again.

I closed my eyes, my hand forming a fist on my desk. I needed self control. I was at work and losing it like this wasn't ethical. But it wasn't my fault that one time mistake was burned into my memory.

"Are you praying? "

At the voice, I flipped my eyes open to see my boss. He was leaning on his opened door frame with folded arms and amused eyes on me.

"No, sir. " I blinked, slightly embarrassed that he caught me while I was daydreaming.

"You look quite, I don't know, engrossed in your thoughts. "

As if I wasn't embarrassed enough. "Oh. "

Looking unsatisfied with my answer but taking the cue that I was going to say nothing more, he stood upright and his hands moved to dig his side pockets. "I need to tell you something. Will you come in to my office. "

"Okay sir. " I muttered then let him leave before I stood up. I took a series of deep breathe in before following him.

By the time I entered his office, he was standing infront of his canvas, his gaze fixed on probably his new work of art.

"Take a seat. " He muttered without sparing me a glance.

Quietly, I did. I was a little nervous in anticipation of what he was going to say. The only times I get called into his office was when he wanted to inform me about something serious or bad.

I crossed my fingers in hope of serious and not bad.

"So, Every year here at Gigi, we organize a contest for the workers. It's a platform where they present their ideas of what Gigi's general fashion items should be during the upcoming Lagos fashion week. " He looked up at me then and began his journey to his desk. "There's only one winner, and they get to run their ideas for the season. That's basically what today's meeting would be about, so you'll get to know more. I actually want you to take part in it. "

My face lighted up in a smile. "That would be a great opportunity. I'd love to participate. "

He nodded, slipping into his chair. "I know. Just that there's a problem. Cynthia, only workers are allowed to participate in the contest. Technically, you're not an official worker at Gigi. "

My smile deflated. "Oh. "

"So this is what you'll do. Forward to me your idea by next week friday and I'll see what I can do to put it forward. "

I narrowed my eyes. "Wouldn't that be cheating? "

He paused, pressing his lips together in thought. "No. I own Gigi, Cynthia. You might be a trainee but I still think you deserve a chance. Plus, I've seen your work, you're good. "

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