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"I want to make something of myself. And I don't want to do it as an Adewale. I want to prove to everyone that I don't need to follow in any family footsteps to be who I want to be. " I blurted quietly.

"And what do you want to be? "

I gave my bottom lip a lick. "A designer. I want to be a fashion designer. " I looked up at James. "You can laugh if you want to. I won't feel offended. "

"And why would I laugh? "

"Because, it's stupid of me to live like this just to prove a point that I can be a glorified tailor when I can just be home and happy. " The tears in my eyes had my stare blury but I desperately wanted him to tell me that I was wrong. I wanted approval from at least one person when everyone and everything was telling me otherwise.

"Do you really believe you would've been happy if you stayed home? "

I shrugged. "Maybe. "

"Or maybe not. " He held my hand. "You want to be a fashion designer? Be a fashion designer. "

"It's not easy, James. I had a picture of what I wanted but it's not coming into view. I'm doubting myself here. "

He paused. "Do you ever wonder why I call you little kitten? "

I pursed my lips. "No. "

"Because you have this glow in you when you set your eyes on something. And it doesn't die out until you get it. " He said. "Do you remember the day we met? When Lebron introduced me for the first time to the family? You were arguing with your mother on wearing a little black dress to the company's dinner that night. "

I nodded as the memory came flashing back. "My first boyfriend gave me that as a birthday present. "

"No wonder you wore it." He smiled softly at me. "I remember clearly the look of horror on your mother's face on seeing her teenage daughter wear a very sexy dress that evening. "

A small smile curved my lips. "Yeah, I was grounded for two weeks doing house chores everyday after school. "

"But you wore the dress. Because you were as feisty as a cat can be when it wants it's way. Hence, little kitten. "

His words spread warmth in my chest. "I always thought you called me that just to get on my nerves. "

"Oh, I do. " My smile widened and his hold tightened. "that's why if you want to be a designer, kitty, you can be a designer. "

I didn't care if what he said meant to flatter me. I let it flatter me. I glowered in the moment and very slowly my breaths became uneven. My beating heart became just as audible as the change in the atmosphere around us. His eyes in mine showed me I wasn't alone in perceiving those changes and I totally forgot that I was supposed to act as if I disliked him.

Slowly the distance between us lessened. And occasionally I would notice the perfect purse of his lips and how much I would want them on mine. And with each moment we drew closer, every other thing in the background faded away. What mattered was what was in front of me. Him.

Just when I thought I wouldn't take the tease any longer, my throbbing head broke the spell and I winced, placing my palms on my head.

He cleared his throat. "Is it your head? "

"Yes. " I managed to say.

He stood up. "Let me make something quick you can eat. If you don't feel better by tomorrow, you're going to a hospital. "

"I don't have money to go to a hospital. "

"I can pay. " He blurted and I greeted him with silence. "Forget I said that. "

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