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There was something about James eyes that did things to me. But I wasn't going to let him know that. So I kept his stare even though I noticed the change in the atmosphere.

"I think your boss likes you. " He blurted.

"Of course. Weren't you listening? I'm an efficient assistant. "

"No, Kitty. Not in that way. "

I rolled my eyes at his insinuation. "Sure, he does. "

"I'm serious, kitty. "

"He doesn't, James. And even if he does why do you care? "

He paused. "You're dear to me, Kitty. So be careful. "

"Is that all? You brought me into someone else's bedroom just to tell me an absurd assumption."

He took a step closer to me then. "It's not absurd. I understand AY can quite a pain in the butt and that's probably why he's still single but I know what I'm saying. "

"Stop acting as if you're jealous. "

"What if I am? "

I scoffed, deliberately ignoring the underlying meaning he gave. "Enough already. Mr Gale have shown nothing to me other than an employer to employee relationship. And he might be a little overbearing sometimes but I am sure he would never make advances at me. "

"Fine. " He shrugged. "Just be careful, that's all. "

I pursed my lips at him sending a clear message that I wasn't going to waste my time arguing with him anylonger.

"I missed you. "

My eyes narrowed at that confession. "Thank you."

He nodded. Then opened his mouth as if to say something but hesitated.

"We should go back already. " He said but I knew that wasn't what he wanted to say.

He turned to get the door and I blurted. "I missed you too. "

With his hand on the door handle, he froze. I expected that reaction. This was the first time ever that I said something nice to him. And we've known each other for over ten years now.

What made me say it now? I don't know exactly. Maybe it was the way I was tired of holding back my attraction for him. Or the way he looked so torn in between stating out the obvious between us and risking our friendship. And ignoring the obvious like I was doing and keeping the little relationship we still had.

Then he turned slowly, a grin on his face. "You mean that? "

My fiesty nature won and I rolled my eyes. "No. I don't. " With that I pushed him till he stepped aside willingly. Then I opened the door and walked away for the sake of getting myself together.

I really needed to do something about this crush or else it might get in my way of thinking straight. He caught up with me the grin still on his face. But I couldn't think of a smart talk to put it off.

Why? I think I liked it on him. He looked way more handsome that way.

"Oh look. Just the man I was looking for? " A lady about my age wearing a very tight and short black gown, with a wide smile and approaching us said. So that smile was for the man beside me?

"Oyinye. It's been a while, dear. " He muttered moving to hug her. Her gown was strapless so the swell of her breasts spilled out. I couldnt help noticing that his chest made contact with them.

"Why am I even hugging you. You didn't even call me to check up on me? " She asked, her red sultry lips pursing as he released her.

"Me? Not call you? That's not possible. "

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