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Everything happend so fast, i hated it. I knew that i should be grateful for having a safe foster home with people who cared. But i couldn't help but to feel stressed. I just wanted everything to turn back to how it was 2 days ago.

Ashton had been paged so he had to leave. Luke showed me around the house after we had come back from the police station. The house was very big, each room had it's own bathroom and there even was a pool in the backyard. Luke showed me the guestroom as last of the tour. The room was really basic, the walls were white, there was a bed, a closet and a desk with a chair. Even though it looked very simple it looked 10x better than my own room.

Luke said that we weren't allowed to go to my own house to pick stuff up today because the police were still clearing the place. I didn't really mind that, i had everything that i needed in my bag or jacket.

I was very happy when Luke left me alone in the guest room to settle down. I didn't want to admit it but i needed a fucking sigaret. I opened the window and climbed out of it so i could sit on roof. It wasn't really dangerous because the roof didn't slant down here. I lit my sigaret and let my head fall back. I needed to process all the changes that were suddenly happening. I missed my brother, i missed having someone familiar i could talk to.

My brother and i were very different in dealing with our emotions but we always tried to help each other. After my parents died i found comfort in my schoolwork and in making art. My brother found comfort in hanging out with his friends and getting in trouble. That had caused us to drift apart for a short period of time. But after a while we both needed someone to talk to and to comfort us. My uncle had never been an affectionate person, he was always strict. But he only became drunk when my aunt had died. We weren't allowed to see our friends after school anymore i was still allowed to visit mrs Middleton. When my brother would go home after school, i would go to Mrs Middleton. He would be alone with my drunk uncle. I guess that that eventually got to much for my brother. I hated myself for not being there when he needed me and i hated him for not being here with me right now.

"What are you thinking about?" Michael asked me from inside my room. He scared me ,i hadn't realised that the sun was now setting. I must have been here for a very long time.

I didn't answer his question so he climbed out the window to sit beside me.

"You shouldn't be here" he said to me as soon as he had situated himself.

"I know."

He laughed "Then why are you sitting here in the cold anyways?"

I looked towards the sunset, i wasn't gonna tell him that i smoked. So i told half of the truth. "I needed a place to process everything. A lot has changed in a short period of time, you know? " I briefly looked at him before turning my gaze to the sunset again.

"I know and a lot more things are going to change. But you need to know that you can talk to us about it. You don't need to sit on the roof alone." He said while sitting closer to me.

I let my head rest on his shoulder "I don't mind sitting here alone. I am used to being alone"

"That's going to change. You're going to have to get used to never being alone and to be loved." He said while stroking my hair.

I looked at him and let out a small smile. We both stayed on the roof until the sun went down. If it wasn't for Michael i would've stayed here all night.

"Let's go back inside before we get sick." He said.

I sighed and followed him inside. He closed the window and turned to me " Promise me that you won't do that again unless you let one of us know."

I shrugged, i sure as hell was gonna do again without telling them. But i didn't want to argue so i pinky promised him that i wouldn't do it again. Before we went downstairs i looked at the clock, it was only 6 PM which meant that Micheal had gone off work early.

"Is everybody home ?" I asked him before we went downstairs.

"Yes, we all got home around 4."

I gave him a confused look and he probably sensed what i would ask. "We all got off work early because a social worker would come be the house to check everything. And we wanted to spent some time with you."

I was satisfied with that information and followed him downstairs.

The boys were all sitting at the kitchen table talking to each other. On the table layed a lot of papers. I sat down next to Luke and looked at all the papers. But he didn't give me a chance to read them. He grabbed the papers and stacked them all up in a neat pile.

"What do they say?" I asked him.

"Information and rules for fostering you and also a few about your uncle's trail." He answered.

"When does his trial find place?"

Calum answered this question. " We don't know yet. Luke and i are going to speak with our lawyer tomorrow. He will give us some more information about the whole case and then a date will be discussed."

I nodded, i wanted to know more but my head was too tired to form questions.

After a few minutes of quietness Michael clapped his hands and said "Pizza time."

Ashton was in the kitchen cleaning up while the rest of us were in the livingroom.
Calum and i were sitting on the couch while Michael and Luke were arguing about which movie we should watch. I hated it when people aruiged, i covered my ears with my hands and waited for everything to quiet down.

Michael and Luke were yelling at each other. They did that almost everytime we wanted to watch a movie, they could never agree. I found it hilarious but i guess that Lucy didn't find it funny. When i looked at her she was sitting with her legs up to her chest in the corner of the couch. She had her eyes closer and covered her ears. I quickly trew a pillow at the guys. They looked at me angry but when i pointed to Lucy they immediately went quiet. Luke went to sit next her and carefully removed her hands from her ears. "Hey it's okey, nothing bad is going to happen
Nobody is going to hurt you." He spoke to her. She didn't say antthing back but relaxed a bit more. Michael kneeled in front of her holding the 2 movies up. "You pick." He said
She hesitated for a second and looked to Luke as if she was asking permission. Luke nodded at her and she picked a movie. She had picked the nightmare before Christmas.

I lauged at Luke. "Seems like Michael wins this time." He flipped me off as response.
Michael turned the movie on and sat down next to me and Ashton who had joined us.

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