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I stood in front of my uncle's house for a few minutes before going in. As soon as i opened the door i was greeted by the smell of alcohol. My uncle always drank a lot, but he had good reasons to. At least that is what i told myself. I slowly closed the door behind me and locked it. Unlike at mr Middleton's house i kept my shoes on because i didn't want broken glass in my feet. My uncle was asleep on the couch with an empty wiskey bottle next to him. I checked his pulse and put a blanket over him. I went to the kitchen to see if he had left any food for me to eat. But i found nothing, the selfish prick had eaten all to food i bought with my money. I though about going back to miss Middleton's house to ask if i could join her for dinner but i decided not to do that because i had homework to do.

I was pretty smart, i was able to skip 2 whole grades. Which meant that i had to go
class with childern who were 2 or 3 years older then me. That's why i haven't been able to make any friends. I just ignore everybody and they ignore me. I don't mind that all, I'd rather be ignored then bullied.

After i had finshed my homework i decided it was time for bed. I showered and tried to braid my hair but I failed. Mrs Middleton and my mom were the only one's in my life so far who have been able to braid my thick curly hair. I miss my mom and dad a lot. But i miss my brother even more. He left me alone in this awful place only to have nightmares about the last night i got to spend with him. I hated him for that night. But i still missed him as much as mom and dad.

I had the same nightmare again but this time it was worse. I could feel and hear everything. And i wasn't able to wake up. I don't get sleep paralysis often but when i do it is horrible.

I quickly coverd my mouth after i woke up from the nightmare screaming. I hoped that i didn't wake my uncle up. I was sweating, trying to control my breathing. Just as a i thought i was safe the door swang open with a loud a bang. I immediately jumped up and held my hands im front of my face. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. Please" i cried out while walking slowly backwards towards the wall.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT TONE YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! YOU WOKE ME UP FROM MY NAP WITH YOUR STUPID SCREAMING " He yelled at me while walking towards my with an almost empty whiskey bottle in his hand.

My back hit the wall and i was cornered. He stood in front of my and yelled "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?!" He threw the bottle to me, but it hit the wall just above my head. I sat in the corner with my knees to my chest and my head burried in my knees. I always thought that he couldn't hurt me when i was in this position. But he always found a way.

He grapped my hair forcing me to put my head up. I looked him right in the eyes. He let my go and punched my jaw. I fell to the ground as i put my hands in front of face. He kicked me a few times in my ribs before he stumbled out of my room.

I lied on the ground groaning until i knew it was safe to get back up again. I wasn't crying anymore, i was to scared to make any loud noises. I slowly walked to my bathroom where i locked the door behind me, finally letting myself breathe. It was already 5:30 in the morning which meant i had to go school in 2 hours.

I looked to myself in the mirror. My jaw was starting to bruise. My right eye was already bruised from a other day. I sighted i hated make up. The students and teachers at my school couldn't care less about my bruises. But i knew that mrs Middleton did, i didn't want her to worry about me. Everytime she did see a bruise a told her a fell. Which she always believed because i had fallen down her basement stairs multiply times.

As i did my make up, i remembered i had to join mrs Middleton at her doctor's appointment. I quickly applied more make up, you never knew how smart these doctors were and how much they would care. I took me almost 2 hours to cover every bruise a had. I grabbed my schoolbag and quickly ran downstairs. I didn't bother to look for food beacuse i knew we didn't have anything anyways. So i just walked out the door making a quick note in my notebook to do groceries after the doctor appointment.

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