Aftermath chapter:The Baby part 1

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Question:is this aftermath stories are filler, and boring and short?

Answer:no.... Even some of it looks filler.. I'll try to make it fun and Happy for y'all


King Boo POV

After a months we decided to still do the crowning..... We invited Bowser, other kings, and even Luigi and others

Mario:*gives evil glance to Bowser*

Bowser:*evil Glance to mario*

Peach:now, now you too... We can't interrupt this moment.. So stay quiet

Mario:*Gives "I'll see you later" Look"

Bowser:*Gives "I'll see you too later" look"*

Boo priest:do accept, king boo as your king and you, as the The Queen of all boos?

(Y/N):i'll do

Boo priest:do you accept (Y/N), your beloved Queen, that you two will lead this Mansion together?

King:I'll do

Boo priest:Now you two are officially King and Queen

We both kiss each other..

(later on)

(Y/N): you know this place my king?

King:They day, you jump off, the day Our loves bond together.. Yeah, i remembered

(Y/N):i'll never get tired on this stars

King:And I'll never get tired of you

(Y/N):our future of Leader and A parents

King:we'll be fine love, we will get through this For Us

(Y/N):yeah, you right..

(5 months later)

(Y/N) stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and we just got revealed for the gender.. It's a Blue color,

Of course by the 4 months away of our prince, the boos is building a delivery room for the baby,

I take of her 24/7, giving her the right nutrition, and even yes, pregnant woman, sometimes lose temper for no reason... But I'm fine with it.. *sigh* i remembered the 2 months of her pregnancy

King:what? Where am i?

Kruller:we're in the Library your majesty

King:wait, kruller, Morty? Why we're here? This is Almost morning

Morty:you see My king.. You need knowledge how to handle A pregnant Wife


Kruller:it's in the book,

King:i had to read this long!! Okay.. I'll do anything for her and our child

Goddammit my head is hurting really bad


BY the month 7 of my pregnancy for our little boy, there is a place, i think it's delivery room for our baby,

And i heard someone training in Morty's studios. But i can't get in.. The door is locked

Mary:(Y/N)!! How's the baby?

(Y/N):put your hands on it

Mary:ohhh... Their kicking

(Y/N):Just 2 more months.. Time flies fast Huh?


(Y/N):so how's you and Jack?

Mary:still living up the normal, sadly boos like us can't get pregnant

(Y/N):don't worry about it Mary, You and him can play with our son

Mary:thanks queen (Y/N), you always be my friend

Next part is Crying happy moment

[Luigi's mansion] King boo X Fem reader(bit suicidal) Lemon included(completed)Where stories live. Discover now