(Final filler)Chapter 10:Sail ahoy

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(The final filler of my Brother Kinda bad writing)


OAH!!! a Sea? Wowww, there is a ship in there, and i board the ship

In the ship, well it's look normal until i saw a Shark? On the sea


Then it landed right next to my left

???:Ahoy human, I'm Cap'N fishook, th' owner o' this magnificent ship(its a HE)

(Y/N):oh.. You like the captain of this ship?

Fishook:Ayeee i am th' cap'N o' this ship

(Y/N):well.. What can you do with it?

Fishook:well, i can control this ship like this

He fly to the Wheel, and we're sailing by the sea(It's by my brother)

Fishook:Human,are ye okay wit underwater?

(Y/N):it can?

Fishook:this ship can go underwater. Here wear this divin Helmet(What the freak did he write?)


Fishook:here we go 

Then we are going underwater. Wow it's so beautiful.. I can see the fish, the underwater, i can see something live in the Pineapple Under the sea.. Then we all back to the surface

Fishook:how's it human?

(Y/N):its.. AWESOME, but now I'm wet(Not that kind of wet)

Fishook:dont worry human, me magic can dry ye

He spin around me... Then my clothes is dry now

(Y/N):thanks captain, see ya later

Fishook:see ya later human

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