chapter 14:Gone evil

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I Was wake up by the sound of nighttime

King:goodnight my queen

I was myself wrapped by the Blanket, while he's sitting down in the bed reading next to me wearing his tuxedo

(Y/N):goodnight my king, what's that?

King:just some Crowning style book, to be picked

(Y/N):crowning? Ohhhhh... Right

Then after choose some style, for about some times, we find the perfect one

A patterned ribbon, a magenta color with [Color] striped, will be hanging on the wall(and while others.. I don't know much about crowning.. I'm not British)

King:well, how about next month?


King:well... See ya later my queen

(Y/N):where are you going?

King:work of course, don't worry tomorrow is Sunday, we can have our time together

He kiss my forehead and Flyyyy away

*sigh*a queen soon.. A queen of all boos, of course I'm fine with it since the boos are comfortable living with me now.. I gotta talk to Mary


Mary:(Y/N), you look so happy

(Y/N):he proposes me!!!

Mary:omg,congratulation.. How he proposes you?


Crap, i can't tell her he propose me after we bang

Mary:just kidding, i already know what happened(The reason why she asked you to open page 70)

(Y/N):ohh... The crowing event is next months

Mary:thats great, looks like i had to call you "your majesty" from now on

(Y/N):nah... It's okay, you still can call me (Y/N)

Mary:okay, queen (Y/N)!!

(Y/N):*giggles* that's fine too

Mary:do you had any surprises for him? For your crowning

(Y/N):I don't really much know!

Mary:how about you draw something? For your memories with him

(Y/N):that's a wonderful idea(fun fact:the word "that's a wonderful idea, come from a Ronald McDonald video)

King Boo

I'm not actually going work today, i call king Bowser about The crowning next months..

Right now, I'm gonna give my queen a surprise, a crown with diamond shaped rubies in the middle i order,

(ghost form) (walking to the mansion)

???:Hello, my king

That's Hellen, a freak Girl boo, that i hate.. Blocking my way

King:hellen, you know right, i already got someone...

Hellen:but please my king, she's a Human.. I'm your species, a Perfect Boo

King:*chuckles*sorry Hellen, she's perfect for me.. Well gotta go

Then after i pass her.. She put something to my crown

King:what are you? ARRGHHHH!

hellen:you will always be mine, my king..

Suddenly, i got something inside me.. Something EVILLL

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ErrorDark your stories and mine... Woo-hoo... I don't know how to thank you for you.. But again Thanks for the inspiration, even my stories got close to you

[Luigi's mansion] King boo X Fem reader(bit suicidal) Lemon included(completed)Where stories live. Discover now