Chapter 4:The Past

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King boo POV

six days, for the last six days.. I began to get even worried on (Y/N)

She keeps getting this nightmare. She's became less active, and she always Look sad.... Then one night


NOOOO!!!... What?  No, no not another nightmare

I wake up again on this hell nightmare, i can't get of this.. "Thing"

Then i feel like i need some air, so i went to his balcony

There is a sofa and a table so i sit

And i felt tearing up again.. W-why? Why can't it just forget it, suddenly i got this urged, the urged to end this.. Then i can't think but "JUMP OFF"

King Boo POV

I Wake up on my night routine.. Since i want to give (Y/N) some privacy, i decided to sleep on the floor.. It wasn't that bad actually

Then i look at my bed... She doesn't there? Then i saw her jumping off from my balcony, somehow i got this adrenaline

I turned to my ghost form and fly off from the balconyz and i managed to catch before she hit the grounds

(Change to human form) she cries on my chestz while we sitting on the balcony.. I need to know WHAT HAPPENED

(Y/N):i-i *Sniff*

She looks at My magenta eyes

(Y/N):I'm.. Sorry, i don't know what-

King:i know (Y/N), i know you had something bad happened in the past.. But you need to tell me what's happened, you can't stay silent about your problem, so pleaseee, tell me


After she calming down she told me everything



Y/N):it was few days ago..  I live with an amazing family. my father was nice, my mother is caring.. And i also had a Big brother

(Y/N):he's....... Different, he was violent,he was naughty, had a bad grade.. Etc, one day i even saw my father calming my crying mom, who's apparently due to my brother

(Y/N):so to make my parents happy again, i study even harder, i earned the best grades, I'm the top student, i win some contest.. Of course it makes my parents happy, but it's was my-my.. M-m-mistake

King:do you want to continue (Y/N)?

(Y/N):yes.. One day, i got home at 5 PM, due to my extra class and i meet my mom in the kitchn

(Y/N):good afternoon mom

Mom:good afternoon dear, how's extra class?

(Y/N):its good, i finally understand [Hard subject]

Mom:that's good (Y/N)

(Y/N):hey mom, can i take something a bit serious?

Mom:oh.. What is it (Y/N)?

(Y/N):its about (Brother Name, or B/N for short) (please no Weird names)

Mom:ohh.. Him

(Y/N):mom, i knew you and dad hate him for what he did, i know you dissapointe... but, he deserves some love, i may be your favorite child,the top kid.. But, seeing him alone, i feel bad for him


(Y/N):she kneeling down and Holding my face

Mom:(Y/N), i know that me and your father knew best for both of you and him, but... I guess you right, even as a Dissapointed mother l,  i still hopes that he will changes

(Y/N):Hmmm.. How about this.. Since tomorrow is his birthday.. How about we gives him a surprise, and giving our best to change him

Mom:*Giggling*thats a Nice plan dear.. I'll talk to your father about it, while you go change and sleep. Okay

(Y/N):Okay mom

King:you had a wonderful plan Huh?

(Y/N):yeah, me and my brother had a separate room.. I went to my room,change, then sleeps, then... One night, i woke up to hear scream from my parents room, so i ran to my parents room, i stand on the door frame, and that's when....

(Y/N):i saw my brother, he was holding a bloody knife, and covered in blood, and my parents.. They-they

King:sssshhh... You don't have to told me, i understand

(B/N):well,well,well isn't the favorite child?

(Y/N):(B/N), what are you? (please not A weird name like bitch)

(B/N):look at you sis, being the favorite child, a lovely child, this and that BULLSHIT.. now you will join them

(Y/N):he chased me to kitchen, where he basically attack me with the knife, but i blocked it(the reason of the wound), after some moment he pins me to the groundz and tries to stab me.. But i saw a knife then.. Then, i don't know why i did it?

King:its okay (Y/N), it's only self defense.

(Y/N):but i regret doing that.. After i accidentally kill him, i don't know what to do, then i smell something burning, i checked where it's come from, and our basement was lit on fire, i try to stop it but the fire keeps spreading, and it burns the whole house, i was outside of the house.. Watching my life Burn.. Then i run and run, and run

King:and that's how you-

(Y/N):Yes.. I *Sniff* Miss them so much

King boo POV


he cries on me again, i can't believez what i had hear.. I feel even more bad for her

She keeps crying until she stops

(Y/N):I got no one.. I got no one

King((Y/N), that's not true,


King:you'll never alone (Y/N), you see those stars


King:they now are one with the stars, watching you from there, it's no use of choose do end yourself, They want you to live, have a nice life

(Y/N):but i miss them

King: i know you miss them (Y/N),i can feel how much sadness you had, but they never gone, they always here.. In your heart

We were looking at each other.. As i caressing her cheeks, somehow, we both leaning closer, closer, and closer.. Until our lips meets, it's a long one.. She put her arms around me neck, until we both parted

King:and you still got someone who cares for you (Y/N), ME!

(Y/N): I LOVE you my king

King: i love you too (Y/N)

Then i carry her to my bed as we cuddling each other

King:goodnight my love

(Y/N):Goodnight My king

Then we both falls asleep while embracing each other

[Luigi's mansion] King boo X Fem reader(bit suicidal) Lemon included(completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu