Coop: Ahh there we go. Well yeah Schlatt's quite the character to get used to and his habits are really unhealthy but in the end I've learned that he really does mean well. He might keep to himself but its only because he's scared and wants to keep other safe. The best thing you can do right now is talk to him, i know it feels like he doesn't deserve a second chance but you might learn other wise if you just talk it out. It probably doesn't look like it, but hes gotten really attached to you and i know it's really none of my business what goes on between you two but please just don't hurt him, at least not too bad.

Wil: I, well, were not together, it's just complicated, i guess.

Coop: Oh, I see.

I felt a light blush bloom on my cheeks as i rubbed the back of my neck. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on between Travis and Cooper. He talked about Schlatt and i like he wished for a specific truth, yet i know it was the case between the two of them.

Wil: Cooper, before you leave do you mind if i ask you a question?

Coop: Shoot.

Wil: You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable i just want to know how to approach certain situations around the house. Are you and Travis dating? I'm sorry if it's too personal, i'm just not sure how tor react when i find you two in the same bed or making out in the kitchen, y'know?

I looked over to find a wide eyed and red faced Cooper.

Coop: Yo-you know? how- when did you see- ohmygod you can not tell anyone i just, fuck. What am i gonna tell Trav?

Wil: Woah, calm down, its ok. I swear i won't tell a soul if you don't want me to. Its a personal matter and i don't want to interfere, more. You guys aren't very subtle though.Do the others really not know know yet?

Coop: Well i don't think- I didn't think they knew. But, i mean you haven't even been here for that long and you managed to pick up on it, so maybe they do know. Shit.

Wil: Cooper, its gonna be fine. they're your friends, plus everyone thinks Schlatt and i are together and are ok with it so there's no reason it would be any different for you guys.

Coop: I mean, i guess but, i dunno, Trav and i haven't really talked about what we are yet. I just- i don't want to tell anyone anything before Travis is on board with it and we've cleared up what stage were at.

Wil: That makes sense, i'm glad you've still got the chance to do that.

Coop: Huh, yeah, i guess Schlatt blew that for you guys.

The two of us sat in silence on that bench for a while. I could tell Cooper's head was going a million miles an hour and needed to go find Travis and talk to him. I myself still had the new found advice in the back of my head. You can think about that later.

Wil: What are you still doing here?

Coop: Huh, what do you mean?

Wil: I mean what you still doing here! Go to him! Talk to him, go figure it out.

Coop: Yeah?

Wil: YEah!

Cooper unsteadily stood up next to me and grabbed his board, i could tell his breath was still a little shaky and that he was still quite nervous. I gave him and encouraging smile and let him thank me before riding away into the sunset.

I was once again left alone with my thoughts. I'm not ready to forgive Schlatt, yet, but i don't want to completely stop contact with him either. We'll see how this pans out seeing as we live in the same damn house.

Travis's pov.

I had just finished streaming, the boys and i played a bit of Jackbox but i left a little early. I really wasn't feeling it today and i wasn't quite sure why. I waddled downstairs at almost the exact same time as Cooper came back from skateboarding. I didn't even try to hide the smile that came over me every time I saw his sweet face. The blonde closed the door behind him before looking at me. I could tell something was wrong, he had a worried expression and couldn't keep stable eye contact, his feet shuffled underneath him and I heard him gulp.
Trav: Coop? Is everything ok?
Coop: Uhhh Travis, I wan- we need to talk.
My heart dropped to my stomach. I didn't expect this to happen so soon. I meant I know I'm not good enough for him, I know this little fling wasn't gonna last forever, but I don't think I'm ready to leave him. I don't think I'll ever be. I held my breath and felt tears threaten to spill out of my glassy eyes. I tried to look at him but was only met by the back of his head, so I stared into golden mousy hair that I knew I would never be able to run my hands through again instead. His soft hand wrapped around one of mine as he led me out of the hallway.
Coop: C'mon, let's go somewhere more private.


whoop whoop! i found out like 2 percent of people reading this are from Switzerland, ( im freaking out cause that's where i live) anyways looking at stats n' shit is scary as balls, but on the other hand i can spy on you guys hahahah.

immsoryy this chapter is a cliff hanger (sorta?) anyways the next chapter should be out pretty soon so yeah

i wrote this chapter with a snail, she's really nice and helps me edit. Her name is Geraldine.

A maid's complicationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें