Eighty one.

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Considering what's going on. We still need to be brave for this beautiful day spent with the ones we loved.

My family arrived shortly after I spoke to Leyton. Now the celebrations could begin.

Of course in the back of my mind was Grace, but I couldn't let that ruin my day. I had to stay strong for everyone especially Leyton right now and the babies.

Which reminds me it's gift exchanging time before lunch - I couldn't wait any longer to share our news.

We both pulled out the gift boxes and handed them round - my mom and dad and Jennie, Leytons sister and his dad. The anticipation was real.

"Ok this is a special gift for everyone of you! We really hope you like it as much as we did making them" I smiled.
Leyton arms around my shoulders and we stood with Alfie and Aubrey.

"Please go ahead open them" he says with a little excitement.

We watched in awe as they all opened them in sync.
Their faces beginning to change with emotion.
"No!! What?" Jennie exclaimed.
"Expecting!!! Oh my goodness" my mom smiled as did everyone else.

"Congratulations!!! all of you, this is the best Christmas gift" Frankie beamed. She looked at us both we knew she meant his mom would love this. We would tell her Wednesday.

The news was out which meant my big jumper could come off before I pass out from heat exhaustion!

I finished off Christmas lunch. And served. It was pretty good if I say so myself. The conversation flowed between everyone.

In the back of my head I just couldn't get over why I wasn't told about how sick grace was. Why we didn't build bridges before hand who knows how long she has left.

The day was great. - we all gathered round the fire pit enjoying company sharing memories. My mom and dad and Jennie went up to bed they've been travelling hours so they were exhausted.

Frankie and her dad and her little ones left a little while after. It was me and Leyton downstairs as the twins were asleep in bed.

Knowing this strong man was holding it together by a thread ... was losing the only woman who bought him into this world, it was only a matter of time before he came crashing down and I was going to be there to catch the pieces and put him back together.

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