Part Two: Oh, That's Why.

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"Michael, what the hell makes you believe that you're gay," you ask in pure shock, astonished by his bluntness. He meets your eyes, unlike most people when coming out of the closet whom would look away. "I just am," he responds, as if it were obvious. "Are you attracted to guys," you ask and that time he looks away. Huh. Your best friend; gay. That was hard to believe. For as long as you could remember, you could always catch him looking at girls. But then again, a girl is almost always a gay guy's best friend. "I haven't found a guy that I'm all that into yet," you hear Mikey murmmer. "I mean, I have so many guy friends and none of them really strike me as 'the one', you know? Not Luke or Cal or Ash or anybody." He plops back onto your bed, looking at the ceiling. You lay down next to him, just listening to him ramble. "But if I did find one, I'd be the guy in the relationship. I want to be able to spoil someone and take them places and all that other junk, you know?"

"Mikey, I get that. I really do. But why do you think you're gay? There's so many other reasons to want to spoil someone--" you're cut off when he says "Y/N, I don't find girls appealing...anymore. I used to be able to look at the skankiest girl in all Australia and think she was gorgeous but now, I can't help but cringe. And I used to be able look at someone the exact opposite of the whore and think they were sexy. Now, I can't. I just can't. I always end up....." he trails off, leaving you hanging and leaving the room in silence. "You end up what," you finally ask, the silence becoming too suspenseful for your comfort. "Comparing the girl I'm looking someone else," he says and you can practically hear his heart break. This 'someone else' was obviously someone he couldn't have. Someone who didn't want him. Someone who was obviously the apple of his eye but never gave him a second glance. But, since Michael is 'gay', this
someone else must be a guy, right?

"Is the 'someone else' a guy," you ask and you hear Michael sigh loudly. That must be a yes. "No," he says before tagging on "No, she's a girl."
~Author's Note: Sorry if this chapter is sorta short but much more is in store for Y/N and Michael, so just keep reading. Love you all! -A+ ~

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