Part Eleven: Ashton's Sexuality

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(A/N: I know that it's been way too long since the last actual update, and I'm sorry. Finals and all, you know? School sucks. Anyways...)
[Warning: This chapter will contain fluff (mention of a guy being in a relationship with a guy) so, if you're against that, please don't read.]

Last Time:
You stare at Ashton in total surprise. Never in your life had you met an adult that hasn't sworn at least once. Hell, nowadays, you can barely meet kids who haven't sworn at least once. "He basically just said that he thinks swearing is bad," Mikey says when you don't respond. "He's a child." You send Mikey a scowl before saying "No. I like the prospect of not swearing. It is quite derogatory". You put extra emphasis on the word is, that way he knows you just came to the revalation. "Thank you," Ash said in a sing-song, making you laugh. Maybe you could warm up to him after all.

This Time:

>Le Time Skip; Two Months Later<

"He's taken me on three, let me repeat, THREE dates, Ashy!! I'd hardly call that 'love'. Hell, that's barely even 'like'," you say into your phone, looking at your legs which were pressed against your bed's headboard. You and Ashton had gotten really close in the past couple of months, which he claimed was exactly your problem. "Well, maybe if we stopped acting like we were each other's shadows, he would take you out more often," Ashton exclaimed, and you could hear him sip loudly on a strawed drink. Even oblivious people could tell you two were talking about Mikey. You simply didn't know who else to turn to with this sort of thing, considering that your main best friend was the one causing the problem.

"I don't think that's the problem, Ashy. I just think it's the fact that he's not good at the whole 'date' thing," you explain, hearing Ashton let out a laugh. "Sure it is, Y/N," he says sarcastically, taking another loud sip of whatever the hell he was drinking. You could clearly hear that the straw was on the verge of sucking air. "Look, if I could, I'd take you out to make him jealous, but I can't," Ashton says, and you hear him take the last big sip of the drink. You hear the sound of plastic hitting metal, and Ashton just barely muttering 'made it.' "Why can't you," you asked, switch your phone from one ear to the other while sitting up the proper way.

Ashton lets out yet another long, sarcastic laugh before saying "You're kidding me, right?" You quickly respond, telling him no. "Y/N," Ashton starts, still somewhat laughing. "I'm gay. And Mike knows that. Besides, my boyfriend would get super jealous even if I could take you out." You wanted to say that you were shocked, but in all honesty, you weren't. You had always kinda expected it. You knew Ashton seemed to good to be true. "However," Ashton starts, and you can practically hear him pursing his lips. "Mike doesn't know my boyfriend."

"What are you saying, Ashy," you ask, fearing you already knew the response. "Y/N, how would you like to go out with my boyfriend?"

(A/N: Super short chapter but it's late where I am right now so this was kinds just a filler. I'm gonna write more in the morning or something when I'm more awake. Anywhozeles, who do you guys think Ashton's boyfriend is? Leave a comment if you have any ideas!!)

Silly Boy.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt