Part Nineteen: Official ((FINALLY))

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((A/N: *TARDIS noises to signify my arrival* CUPCAKES!! I HAVE RETURNED FROM PURGATORY {[if you understand that reference, you're my new favourite person]} AND THIS TIME, IT'S SERIOUS. This entry is the official first entry to Project Update At Least Once Every Other Week and I'm so excited!! Are you guys excited?! I hope so!! ONWARDS!!))

Last Time:
Your thoughts are cut off by Jonathan's booming voice once more; Maybe he was just naturally loud. "Tyla, mio bambina, make sure that cousin Michael and his pretty lady get a good table, maybe one dalla finestra, okay?" Tyla nods and just barely whispers a soft "Yes, Papa" before gesturing for you and Michael to follow her. You squeeze Michael's hand in pure excitement, to which he chuckles and squeezes back. On the way to the table, you say "I could get used to your cousin." Michael laughs aloud, drawing attention to himself but not caring before saying a soft and not-so-subtle "I told you so, bella". And it was times like this when you wished you could speak Italian.

This Time:

Tyla seats you and Michael at a table near a window overviewing the nearby beach. You can't help but stop to admire how the seemingly obsidiean water reflected the stars and full moon. You hear Michael chuckle at your amazement as he takes you in his arms from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist. "It's so beautiful," you whisper, closing your eyes to relish this moment; It couldn't have been more perfect. In Michael's arms, everything felt perfect, and you had long since come to the decision that so was he. "Not as beautiful as you, amore mio," he retorts softly, his warm breath tickling your neck and ears. You couldn't help but giggle due to slight embarrassment (that, and that fact that you are just really ticklish).

"Your laugh is so cute," he murmmers, you still relishing in the feeling of his arms around you. After a small silence, you finally say "I don't know what to say" in a hushed tone. "Then don't say anything at all, bella." Michael had responded to you in the same hushed tone, sending shivers down your spine with the usage of Italian, which you found to be a beautiful language. He finally lets go of you, grabbing your hand to pull you away from the window and back to the table, which was only about a foot away (and the only reason it was that far from the window was for 'self-proclaimed safety purposes'.) He lets go of your hand to pull out your chair like a gentleman would, causing you to blush a deep shade of red and look away.

He then sits across from you, and you can't help but notice how gorgeous he looked with the light from the candle on the table dancing across his skin. "You look really nice, Michael," you say softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had formed between the two of you. Michael chuckles, and you watch as his shoulders bounce with each breathy exhale. "You've already told me that once tonight, Y/N," he says softly, causing you to turn red in the face all over again. "Well......." you trail off, looking away to avoid eye contact. "Hey, look at me," Michael says gently, reaching across the table to lift your chin. You couldn't help but be surprised that he didn't somehow knock over the candle, because he was reaching around it.

"Don't go getting all embarrassed on me, Y/N. I think it's cute that you feel the need to remind me I look 'nice', as you put it. Thank you for that, by the way." He pauses, leaning foreword ever so slightly and letting go of your chin. "But the Y/N I fell for would stomp on my toes when I laughed at her compliment. Stop trying to be somebody different, because I wanted to take you on a date, not some fancy alter-ego. Capeesh?"

You nod silently, gazing into his deep emerald eyes and finding yourself getting lost in them. So lost, in fact, that you didn't even notice the waiter that approached the table. The waiter cleared his throat politely, making both you and Michael turn to him so quickly that it was surprising you two didn't get whiplash.

"Cousin Michael," the waiter says in a confused tone, looking at Mikey with questioning eyes. "Since when do you come here?" You see Michael roll his eyes at the waiter before he spoke up. "Since now. I'm on a date; not that you needed to know that. And to be frank Leo, that's none of your damn business." You can't help but smile, because even though posh, formal Michael was nice, the real Mikey was even better. Mikey defended you and wasn't afraid to swear in a public place and it was that outrageous attitude that attracted you to him in the first place. This was the Michael you fell for.

You yank yourself away from your own thoughts just in time for the waiter, Leo, turn to you and ask "And for the pretty lady?" You couldn't help but blush and turn away before mumbling that you would have whatever Michael was having. Leo scoffed but jotted it down anyways before walking away as you turned back to Michael. "I hope you ordered something good, Mikey," you say, causing both of you to laugh.

~Le Time Skip, After Le Meal~

You and Michael had made small talk over dinner, which turned out to be pretty delicious. Even though you couldn't remember the name of the meal you had for the life of you, it was still really nice. "Thank you for this, Mikey," you say as Leo returns to take your plates away. "Thank you for agreeing to come, Y/N. I know you're not typically one for fancy places like this."  You smile widely at him, receiving a small, nervous-looking smile in return.

" something wrong, Mikey," you ask quietly, trying to capture his eyes with your own. "What? No. Of course not. I'm just a bit nervous because....well....IreallyloveyouandIwaswonderingifyouwantedtobemygirlfriend," Mikey said, talking so quickly at the last part that you couldn't understand him. "I'm sorry, what," you ask, looking at him in a confused manner. Michael takes a deep breath and says "Y/N, you know I love you. Hell, I probably love you more than I love myself but that's besides the point. The point is, I'm in love with you and I was wondering if you....uhmm....if you wanted to be my girlfriend, maybe?.......... It's okay if you say no, by the way." Michael was looking at everything but you, his face just the lightest shade of pink as he twiddled his thumbs.

"Mikey, look at me, you whisper, not wanting the people the next table over to hear. His eyes slowly flicker up to meet yours, and when they do, you smile widely at him, receiving the same nervous smile from earlier in return. "Michael Gordon Clifford, why the ever-loving fuck," you pause for dramatic effect, seeing the excitement in Michael's eyes slowly begin to die. "Would I say no," you finally add on, loving to see the excitement reignite in his green eyes. He hops up from his chair and pulls yours out before pulling you up into a gigantic hug. "Does that mean....," he whisper-asks, trailing off because he knew you could tell it was implied what he meant.

You laugh softly, hugging him tighter. "Yes, Michael. I'll be your girlfriend." He squeezes you tightly once more before pulling away and looking you in the eyes. You see his gaze graze your lips, to which you laugh. "Are you gonna kiss me or not?" Michael nods before capturing your lips with his own and kissing you softly. And in that moment, everything was perfect. Michael was yours now, officially. And you would never let him go.

~The End~

Amore mio= My love
Bella= Beautiful
Capeesh?= Understand?

((A/N: Above this note are the translations for the Italian used in this chapter. WOW, Cupcakes, I might actually cry.

It's over.

It's finally over.

You and Michael are together ((finally)). 

I can't believe how successful this story has become. Thank you all so much. I guess Project Update At Least Once Every Week was pretty pointless then, huh? I hadn't intended to end it in this chapter but it felt so right. I just feel like this is a good place to leave it. And before you guys ask, no, there will not be a sequeal. There will, however, be an epilogue {[already in drafting]}, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Wow, guys, I can't believe it's actually over. I love you all. I'll see you in the epilogue.
~Anni :3))

[[P.S: Thinking Out Loud was one of the many songs I listened to while writing this chapter, so if you want, give that a listen. x]]

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