STOP!! Request Time.

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CUPCAKES!! This is more of a 'one last author's note' then anything but please keep reading if you liked Silly Boy.

Anywhozeles, I'm taking REQUESTS for my next new story!! Yes, you heard that right, the not-so-almighty Anniplier is taking requests. I'm willing to write mostly anything so fire away!! And remember that gay is okay!! Request a story about your OTP and if I like it, I'll write it!! There are few limitations here!! And no, it does not have to be 5Sos related!!

((Anniplier and Anniplier Storiez© will not, however be associated with the following topics:

·Harcore Angst

·Animal Themed

·Text/Online Chat Themed{minus the occasional text from character A to character B}

·Gender Swapped {I will, however, put them in a Disney story if requested. Just....if character A is a boy, unless he goes through surgey in the story, he's staying a boy. No magically becoming the opposite gender for no apparent reason. [I'M LOOKING AT YOU, SUPERNATURAL FANDOM!!] If it doesn't/won't help the plot line, I won't write it.}

Please do not request these. Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
~Anni :3))

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