

Sure. I'll meet you in the coffee shop we used to go to. I assume you know which one I'm talking about.

Yes I do


Done. I love you


I had absolutely no clue why I had just agreed to that. I wasn't even sure the big brother instinct in Simon would let me go to see Harry. I was going to have to lie.

This would be the first time I would have stepped out of the house since tour - and honestly? I was bricking it.

It was nearing two in the afternoon, and the coffee shop we had agreed on was the other side of London. I would have to leave now to make it there on time.

I was stuck in couch clothes, it would have to do. I wasn't going to make an effort just to hear him out today.

I made the mistake of looking in the mirror, causing me to groan at the reflection. I looked like absolute shit. My eyes were swollen - from crying so much from this whole ordeal.

I had broken out, most likely due to the stress. My eye bags stuck out like a sore thumb; sleep had not come easily the last couple of weeks.

I could hear voices down in the kitchen - definitely JJ, Simon and Freya. That meant Josh was probably with them too, and Vik and his friend, Eloise, were probably in his room.

I wrote a little note, popping it on the table by the front door explaining that I had gone out for a walk, before slipping out of the door and walking out of our drive.

Taking a bus would be my best bet, and I prayed to whoever existed up there that no one would recognise me.


I'm here, sat outside.

I heard my phone go off, quickly reading the twitter message that Harry had sent. I was walking down the road that accommodated the coffee shop, I would be seeing him in person in less than two minutes.

I had no idea what I was going to say to him, how I would react. I wondered if this was a bad idea, if I should just turn back whilst I could.

I pondered on that thought, but pushed it to the back of my head. I could do this. I could get answers.

The bell rang as I pushed the door open, the overwhelming smell of coffee attacking my senses.

His back was turned, I could tell from his unruly hair that it was him. My heart was hammering in my chest just at the sight of him. I wanted to hug him, I wanted him to hold me, to tell me this was all a dream. That me and him were okay. That none of this had happened.

"Harry?" I whispered, now just standing a little behind him.

He whipped his head around sharply, standing up quickly when he heard my voice. He cocked his head to the side, as if he was taking me in, before I saw his eyes glisten - he was close to crying.

"Sophie," he replied, unsure of what to do. We were both unsure of what to do. To shake hands? To hug? Or to just avoid contact?

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